Jun 04, 2005 00:57
my computer is special. sometimes it wont let me update my ujournal for days at a time by playing a little trick called "lets hide the buttons"... seriously. the buttons on EVERY website would not load and suddenly today BAM! its back to normal, buttons and all. sneaky little bugger. it prolly knows that i am contemplating its retirement and sale on eBay as I trade it in for a younger, better looking model with more junk in the trunk...or just a SuperDrive, but still. Lol. Yes, still talking about computers. No models for me. No siree...in fact, no one for me. Lol. I took myself to go see "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" tonight. I had read the first book and I'm almost done with the second one, so I was excited. Though the movie totally left out siblings, and some very crucial moments. It was good though.... minus the movie-ruiners.... apparently it seemed like a good idea for the whole world of 12-17 yr. old girls to bring their boyfriends to this movie, so there was lots of groaning and "this sucks!" the whole time. THANK YOU RUDE PEOPLE! but thats ok. I appreciated it . If they read the book, they'd appreciate it too. So I was supposed to work till 11 tonight but instead I managed to conn my way out of stay and got to leave around 8, with the hopes that Brandt and I would get to see Cinderella Man, but that didnt happen. So I went to the tanning bed with new type of lotion in hand, which i think actually might have made me brown instead of just yellow or pink, which is good. Then on the way home, I thought, Screw it! I'm taking myself to a movie on a Friday night damnit!! Now that I think about it, I think I've seen more movies alone so far this summer than I have with other people. But s'okay. I'm just preparing for the future. Being able to go anywhere by myself and not feel like a loser. Lol. i think the first by-myself movie cured me of that. Its kind of invigorating to do things like that. But anyway....
I sent my soul to the travel place thats arranging the group flights for SACI... by soul, i mean, lots of money that I dont have and had to borrow 70% of from my parents because those trusty loans will not be deposited until end of July. wuhpi! thats my new spelling of a good word. I leave for Florida soon. Thats exciting! Beach, no responsibility, sun, water, The Daiquiri Deck ( which I can FINALLY order an actually daiquiri at! How many years have I been waiting?!). Yes, I realize I am spoiled by going to Florida almost every year of my life, but I am grateful for it and don't take it for granted. Especially now that I am finding how hard it is to get that much money and hold on to it. Ay papi.
I now have my first credit card. Yay. Already have used it 10x more than I was going to. It was supposed to be only for the things that I will need for Italy but dont exactly have the funds immediately for.... but yeah. I had good intentions. As always.
How weird is this summer so far??? On a scale from 1 to 10, its like a 9.2. Things are just going very...off course. Not exactly sure what the course was, but it definitely isnt how i thought it would be. Its not worse... just different. I'm dealing with many things that I would have liked to have avoided at all cost, but I guess thats just how it goes. I'll grow stronger from it, learn some sort of a lesson, cherish that for a month, and then wind up in the same place not far from now and begin again. I definitely learn from repeatedly falling. Once is not enough, I have to get up and fall on my ass at least 10 times before I actually convince myself I need to change something. I'm not dumb, I just have a lot of faith in people and even though I know what the outcome will be, I like to believe that somehow if I wish things were different hard enough, then they'll magically change. I dont think I will ever stop thinking like this, as it makes life a little more pleasant when you dont take into account all of reality. Its best to just take it one swig at a time.
I've updated. I really havent shared anything valuable, but now you have a little snapshot into whats going on with me recently . Oh and who wants to go to the Reds game with me next Friday??? I think I'm hooked on them, even if they lose a lot. So call me kids!
*** Oh and download Nikka Costa's cd...she's awesome!