Once upon a time, there was a show called Veronica Mars and it owned pretty much everything.
Warning: The following is mostly rambling
I've been reading my flist's reaction and it's a lot of OMGWTFBBQW!!!11! and flailing and I'm pretty much right there with you. I watched at my friend's house, so I didn't get to do a running commentary type thing (which is so fun). I've heard the theories that it was Beaver, but still, watching it was just like...SHOCK! I so did not want it to be him. Aaron is skeezy and now dead! I saw CBDuncan's name in the credits, but totally forgot till he actually showed up and killed Aaron. Duncan!! And like everyone else on my flist, I knew that poor Weevil was going to get screwed, but still. That was totally evil of Lamb. In the middle of the ceremony. I did not even bat an eye when the plane blew up because I just knew Keith was not dead. Veronica and Logan!!!!! \o/ So much yay.
I love this show. Like, really.
I need to watch again!