random things on a Tuesday night. oh yeah

Oct 06, 2009 22:59

I was watching FUSE earlier and I thought it was novel that they actually showed music videos. It was pretty awesome. And I still always laugh when I see Lady Gaga's Paparazzi video because she's got some wacky outfits on. Also, ASkars in an eyepatch.

I just saw this link on my friends list: Disney Heroes. I'd some a few of them before, but not the whole set. Believe me when I say I laughed hysterically at Gaston. You'll see why.

I realized tonight that I'm a giant wuss. I'm trying to get more exercise in my day and so I took a walk right around 8pm. It was already dark outside and I got creeped out walking around my neighborhood.

I had to get my care fixed this morning. $530 later, I have new front brakes and 4 new tires. My old tires were practically bald, which is so unsafe. Why is life so expensive? lol

real life, random, links, tv

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