Dec 20, 2005 12:29
Had another dream last night but I don't remember a whole lot about it this time. I do remember parts. Some included me jumping over a banister at a ski resort and running towards some shack in order to get away from tornado. A few scenes later I was riding in the car with El and some other guy, we were reading directions to get to some house. Well, we finally find it after getting lost a few times. The house was also a shack. There were little bridges all in the front yard crossing over a small pond. The pond was really red and muddy. Then all of a sudden someone is chasing after us and we're on these bikes doing tricks over the bridges as we're trying to get away from some old lady that's chasing us with a rolling pin. Anyways, so we get away from the old lady and we're trying to get back home. El didn't want to drive and lost the directions so I had to drive. Needless to say, we stayed lost because I'm horrible with directions.
So..another wierd dream huh? Yep, I know. Anyways, I'm totally addicted to this new puzzle craze Sudoku. It's hard and I cheat a lot in order to finish it but it's fun and I'm slowly getting the hang of it. They don't give enough numbers to get it answered so that's why I cheat. BUT I guess if I used a pencil I could guess on a few numbers to get it answered. However, they don't reccommend guessing numbers because it can screw up the whole puzzle. If you haven't played it, you should. I'm thinking about getting it for my grandmother for christmas along with her scarf. She loves crossword puzzles and this is kind of similar. Except you're not looking for words, you're looking for numbers. Hrm. I'm so addicted to it I've been completing the puzzle before I read my nora roberts book. :: gasps ::
On another note, I've really gotta quit staying up so late and sleeping in. I realize I don't have classes right now because of break, but I'm really getting myself out of the groove. I dunno. Maybe I'll keep doing it until christmas and get back into the groove for school. Gah I've got a headache.
I guess that's all for now. By the way, don't watch the Tony Danza show at 12pm. It's the most boring show in the universe. When is the Christmas Story coming on? Anyone know?