Dec 01, 2005 22:26
Okay, so things are totally going my way here lately. (knock on lots of wood) So in the nursing program, if we don't have an average of an 80 or above we don't get to sit for our final. Well...I got a FUCKIN 84!!!!!! Heck yeah buddy. I'm thrilled to the max. I about passed out. So anyways, I think I'm going to take the final on tuesday. My old friend and I are going to have a study session on monday with a whole bunch of people. I sooo want to get an A on the hopes that I can make an A in the class. It would give me straight A's...which I've never had and only dreamed of having. So we'll see. Anywho. So I went to wally world after I got off work tonight. I just went to get some ziploc baggies to keep my salad in. And I ended up shopping for christmas tree decorations and christmas presents. Lets see...I got lots of silver decorations for the tree, a new decoration for the door...(2 snowmen that say I love snow!!'s cute), I got a new rug for the doorstep, Amber's chrimmas present, a present for my aunt, I've made a christmas present for my grandmother this year, and same goes for my aunt. Now I've gotta get something for my dad and my mom and just a few more people and I'll be finished. I'm not buying much of anything this year. I've gotta save some money for other school books. sucks. But such is life.
Oh...I bought 3 new Nora Roberts books tonight. 2 are the last 2 books of a trilogy and the other book is the last book of a trilogy. I love those...but it makes me wish I lived their life. Pathetic I know.
Welp, I'm off to take a shower, dig through the walmart bags on my bed and hit the sack. 'Night all..