::::::::NEW ON RUAVISTA::::::::
Moscow in the Sixties
Graphic City: SĆ£o Paulo (2)
www.ruavista.com/sao_paulo.htm ::Photo Forum::
Streets of Greece by Fergus Stewart
www.ruavista.com/greece.htm Vitebsk by Katsiaryna Mazurenka
www.ruavista.com/vitebsk002.htm Kirkby Stephen - Yorkshire by Brian Southwell
www.ruavista.com/brian.htm Ouro Preto - Brazil by Ana Rosa Domingues
www.ruavista.com/ouropreto.htm ::Press::
Ruavista featured in the Sunday Times ā€“ Article by Michael Wright
www.ruavista.com/press.htm#times ::::::LINKS::::::
Vietnamese Signs
http://www.anu.edu.au/asianstudies/seacen/viet/ ā€Vietnamese Signs is an electronic library of 76 Vietnamese Language Signs
collected in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) as a resource to help students
of Vietnamese learn to read.ā€¯
Pittsburgh Signs
http://www.pittsburghsigns.org/ Pittsburgh City Photographer Collection
http://images.library.pitt.edu/cgi-bin/i/image/image-idx?c=cp;page=index;sid=e4a98fc0313acf2373a41812cdbcc2c3;g=imls Metro Blogging
http://www.metroblogging.com/ ā€Metblogs are a hyper-local look at what's going on in the city. Our regional
bloggers give each site a new perspective on daily life; less calendar listing,
more friendly advice.ā€¯
Sewer History
http://www.sewerhistory.org/The History of Sanitary Sewers
Lost Destinations
http://www.lostdestinations.com/ā€Join us in our travels as we journey the country in search of the abandoned,
haunted, and mysterious... New Jersey, Texas, New Mexico, California, &
beyond... cameras in hand... sometimes knowing where we are going... more often
having no idea at all... shooting photos along the way to record our travels.
There is much to see... much to discover. Here you will see where we end up. Our
destinations?? Unknown.
The Face of Tomorrow
http://www.faceoftomorrow.com/What is the face of London, New York, Paris?
What does a Londoner, a New Yorker, a Parisian look like?
The Face of Tomorrow is a concept for a series of photographs that addresses the
issues of globalization and identity.
Beyrouth 1991 (2003)
Basilico Gabriele / Le point du jour Ɖditeur
Les photos de Beyrouth ne sont pas un jugement sur la guerre, au contraire
elles sont une rĆ©flexion sur ce qui reste dā€™une ville quand, une fois la
guerre terminĆ©e, la vie reprend son cours Ā»
http://lpjour.free.fr/home.htm Viennese Types.
Essay by Edward Rosser. Photographs by Dr. Emil Mayer.
Blind River Editions, New York, 2000. 76 pp., 51 duotone illustrations, 7x10
This recently-discovered portfolio of original prints presents, for the first
time, turn-of-the-century Viennese street photographer Dr. Emil Mayer. Lyrical
and contemplative, these images become a window to a lost world. Exquisitely
printed by Stamperia Valdonega in Verona, this is a book of rare finesse.
http://www.photoeye.com/templates/mShowDetailsbycat.cfm?Catalog=PK559 Graffiti World: Street Art from Five Continents
by Nicholas Ganz
Harry N Abrams October 1, 2004
1000 Signs
Taschen - 2004
This book features an amusing collection of signs from around the world.
Divided into chapters by type (animals, men, stop, danger, weapons, transport,
children, toilets, work, ā€no!ā€¯, etc.), the signs demonstrate how different
cultures portray the icons with which we are all so familiar. The diverse
selection of photographs is accompanied by texts describing the cultural and
social significance of signs. You may even learn things from this book that
could save your life the next time you travel!ā€¯
http://www.taschen.com/pages/en/catalogue/books/popculture/all/facts/01867.htm ::::::EXHIBITIONS::::::
Paris ā€“ New York
23 septembre au 30 novembre 2004
Photographies : Nan Goldin, Edo Bertoglio, Maripol,
Angelika Daqmine.
Galerie BƩnƩdicte Siroux Taqi
7 rue Froissart 75003 Paris France
Tel : 33 (0)1 40 29 02 00 Fax : 33 (0)1 44 78 08 55