Heroes and other... stuff

May 07, 2007 22:15

Episode was kinda blah but eeesh, every time Hiro and Ando were on-screen my heart rate shot up. I keep expecting one of them to die D:

And, I guess crazy runs in Sylar's family?

So, I might as well admit it and make it official. Super Junior has taken over my life. I spend more time on my sock journal than here and I haven't read the kakairu comm in weeks. Massive fail. HOMG, huge ass spider just dropped from my desk onto the ground and crawled under my chair and I cannot find it! not enough DDDDDD: in the world right now. *cries*

Fuck, this is what comes from talking about SuJu. goddamnit.

ETA: found it. because I stepped on it. :(
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