Dear Trick or Treat Writer Letter

Sep 14, 2015 21:09

Hello, Trick or Treat Writer!

First off, relax, and thank you for participating! I hope you enjoy the Trick or Treat exchange this year.

As you may guess from my requests, I like gen and relationships of any variety (het, femslash, slash, threesomes or moresomes). mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi">

Stuff I love includes but is not limited to: found families, epistolary/documentary, friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, pretend couples (that turn into real couples), friends with benefits, people showing their care and concern by feeding the other person, fix-its, missing scenes, and futurefic.

I'm not really into explicit sex scenes, but feel free to write one if you want. Stuff I don't want, unless otherwise stated in that particular request, is: infidelity/adultery, character death, and non-con/dub-con.

Hope that helps!

Boy Meets World (Eric Matthews)

Eric Matthews is my favorite character in the show! I love how sweet he is, and how funny, and everything about him. An idea for a trick prompt would be post-canon ghost story where Eric's NYC apartment is being haunted. Or maybe with that Sabrina the Teenage Witch crossover episode one of the witches curses Eric. Some treat ideas would be Eric figuring out what he wants out of life (becoming a weatherman or a kindergarten teacher or something), or spending time with his friends, family, and Mr. Feeny and having a good day. I also love Eric/Jack, so a fic about them getting together once Jack returns from overseas would be lovely, or an established relationship fic where Eric tries to do something nice for Jack's birthday and shenanigans happen. If you do write Jack/Eric, please no Rachel bashing. I love her a lot.

A Christmas Carol (Ebenezer Scrooge, Jacob Marley)

This is a canon that already is a ghost story, so have fun! A trick fic involving Jacob Marley's punishment before, during, or after he helps Scrooge escape his fate would be amazing. For a treat, I'd love to see Marley redeeming himself a little with helping Scrooge and having his sentence reduced, or getting to watch Scrooge's happiness post-canon.

For Scrooge, I'd love a post-canon treat of seeing how he helps people and connects with Fred and the Cratchits, maybe one of the Christmases he enjoys after meeting with the ghosts or trying to help other people he sees that might soon share Jacob's fate.

I am definitely a fan of Scrooge/Marley, so if you wanted to write a ghost love story where Marley gets to visit Scrooge afterwards, or one where Scrooge goes to find Marley after his death so they can be together in the afterlife, I wouldn't object at all!

The Silmarillion (Beor, Finrod, Beleg, and Finduilas)

Beor is such a fascinating character to me! He's the first Man to bring his family and people over the mountains-- what did it take to convince everyone to come with him? A trick could be looking at some of the horrors he and his family experienced before they began their journey. A treat would be a celebration with his sons and Finrod while they're all at Estolad. I love Beor/Finrod as a pairing, so a treat of them getting together (with cultural and langue differences complicating things a little) or an established relationship fic where they're experimenting with the physical differences between their races would be great.

Beleg's past is so mysterious-- it's implied he's fatherless and maybe one of the first elves to awaken in the world. What horrors has he seen since then? What wonders? Would he have ever met Oromë? I love Beleg/Turin as a pairing and a friendship, so another few treat ideas could be Beleg teaching a younger Turin woodcraft or how Beleg and Turin first get together. Or even a ghost story-- Beleg haunting Turin because he can't bear to leave. That's even half-canon in one of the earlier editions of Turin's story! (If you do write fic with Turin in it, please no Turin hate.)

Finrod! Oh Finrod. I'm having trouble coming up with a trick or him-- maybe he starts having visions of his death while he's traveling with Beren. For treats it would be great to see a day in the life of him as king of Nargothrond, or how he interacts with his people (considering he'll wander off for a year and a few months when he meets a new race like Beor's). Again, I love Finrod/Beor, so relationship fic for them would be great, maybe even something with Finrod venturing into the afterlife in search of Beor, but fic about Finrod's time in Doriath and meeting Luthien and/or Beleg would be really fascinating too! Or his relationship with Finduilas and Orodreth.

I would love all the fix-it for Finduilas. For treats, maybe she survives her wounds and lives with Brandir's people. Maybe she lives and goes to seek Thingol and Melian because they're closer by than Gondolin and settles there. For something darker, maybe she becomes a wild woman and lives in the forest attacking and killing any of Morgoth's enemies she finds! For pairings, I adore Finduilas/Nienor, so if you wanted to write something with them (and helping Nienor escape her doom as well), I'd be delighted!

Persuasion (Anne Elliot, Sophia Croft)

Running with my ghost theme, I would be fascinated with a treat of Anne being haunted by her mother, whether in dreams or the house itself being haunted. Or an adventure involving sea monsters when she and Wentworth are on the sea. Imagine Anne keeping everyone calm while Wentworth handles a kraken or something! For a treat, I'd love some established Anne/Wentworth sea adventures (just with less sea monsters) or them visiting the Musgroves for a holiday. I also love Anne and Sofia's friendship, so I'd love to see more of that, maybe Sofia giving Anne advice on being a captain's wife.

Speaking of sea adventures, what did Sofia and Admiral Croft get up to during all those years? I'd love to see them finding a ghost ship or having to deal with someone believing the ship is cursed and the problems that crop up from that (especially if he turns out to be right). I'd also love Sofia/Admiral Croft get-together or established relationship fic and Sofia learning to love the ocean as much as the admiral does.

D.E.B.S. (Lucy Diamond)

We get an oblique mention of how Lucy is the only one in her family to survive a decades-long massacre. What was that like? How did Lucy survive when no one else did? If you're looking for something less depressing, I'd love Lucy having difficulty adjusting to no longer being a villain and figuring out how to use her intelligence and skills for good. I love Lucy/Amy, so a post-canon relationship fic with them would be amazing, as well as something looking at Lucy's friendship with Scud and how they became so close.

The Goblin Emperor (Csevet Aisava, Csethiro Ceredin, and Maia Drazhar)

Csevet is such a fascinating character! I'd love to see more about how he gained the skills that make him so useful as a secretary to Maia. For a trick fic, maybe something about someone realizing his usefulness and trying to use dark magic to turn him against Maia and the fall-out from that? For relationships, I'd love to see how he'd navigate a relationship with Maia and Csethiro or an original male character, or a story that focuses on his friendship with other courtiers or Maia's other servants.

Give me all the sword-fighting fics for Csethiro you have! How did she learn how to sword-fight? How did she befriend Vedero? What are their other friends like? I'd love to see her position in the court more fleshed out, as well, as her adjusting to becoming the empress. Again, I'd love seeing Csethiro work out a relationship with Maia/Csethiro and Maia/Csevet, but I'd also love seeing Csethiro and Maia beginning their relationship amid court intrigue.

Maia is so sweet and kind and I love him so much. I'd love to see more court intrigue and Maia having to handle it. Or a look at his relationship with his nieces and nephew and becoming the closest thing they have to a parental figure, much to his dismay since he's still practically a child himself.

Nimona (Nimona, Ballister Blackheart)

I love Nimona so much! I love how she's both a monster and not one at all, all at once. It's be fascinating to see her encountering another person similar to her, but one who wants to hurt everyone, and having to handle it without Ballister or Ambrosius's help. Or a treat of her finally returning to Ballister and everything being happy again, because I love their relationship.

I want so much fic for Ballister! What sort of horrors could he accidentally encounter while he's doing experiments? What is he going to do post-canon? I'd love Ballister and Nimona reuniting, but I also love Ambrosius/Ballister, so I'd love to see them when they were younger, or post-canon fic where they're relearning each other and figuring out where to go from the events of the comic.

Ace Attorney (Dick Gumshoe)

Gumshoe is my favorite character in the entire game, so I'd be delighted by whatever you wrote for him! Maybe a trick where someone is targeting him or everyone in the prosecution over a previous case, with everyone working together to stop the person before Gumshoe or Edgeworth or someone else gets hurt. For treats, please let Gumshoe get a raise or win a lifetime supply of some healthy food so he's not living on ramen forever. Or maybe something where Gumshoe's parents live out of town and come for a visit, and Edgeworth, Wright, Maya, and the others end up helping Gumshoe make his place look presentable to them. For relationships, I love Gumshoe's relationship with Edgeworth, friendship or romantic, as well as being a rare-pair shipper of Gumshoe/Will Powers. I also really love the idea of Gumshoe and Maya being platonic food buddies and going to all you can eat buffets together or something!


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