Jun 29, 2010 23:16

So, a couple days ago I was playing the icon pairing meme, and the first pairing was Vala/Radek and I went... "Already wrote that!"

And then I got curious and looked at how many pairings I have written for Stargate fandom.


I have written 30 different pairings for Stargate Atlantis.

April Bingham/Rodney -- 1
Carson/Laura -- 1
Carson/Perna -- 1
Carson/Radek -- 1
Carson/Rodney -- 1
Elizabeth/Radek -- 3
Elizabeth/John -- 3
Jack O'Neill/Elizabeth -- 1
Jennifer/Rodney -- 1
Jennifer/Rodney/Radek -- 1
Laura/Dean Winchester -- 1
Laura/Perna -- 1
Laura/Radek -- 2
Peter/Miko -- 1
Peter/Radek -- 1
Kavanagh/Sora -- 1
Rodney/Elizabeth -- 1
Rodney/John -- 1
Rodney/Radek -- 19 (gee, I wonder which pairings my favorite!)
Ronon/Lorne -- 1
Ronon/John -- 1
Ronon/Radek -- 2
Ronon/Rodney -- 1
Ronon/Teyla -- 1
Sam Carter/Lorne -- 1
Sam/Radek -- 1
Teyla/Daniel Jackson -- 1
Teyla/Radek -- 2
Teyla/Rodney -- 1
Vala Mal Doran/Radek -- 1

sg-1, sga

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