Star Trekkin'

Jun 05, 2009 14:48

Hee. So, after watching the new Star Trek movie, I've been watching Star Trek: The Original Series and the first season of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine for the first time. A few thoughts:

Star Trek TOS

1. Uhura is awesome. And is a fantastic singer.

2. not a Kirk/Spock shipper. I know, I know, but instead I'm really enjoying Spock and Bones bantering instead.

3. William Shatner is a much better actor than I thought he was. Also, he looks really good shirtless. Which is pretty much every other episode, so it's nice to see the producers of a 1960s show understood what women wanted to see on their television!

4. ...Wow, Bones is sort of an alcoholic, you guys. :( Is there going to be an episode where Kirk and some of the other crewmates take Bones aside from an intervention so he doesn't perform surgery on someone while intoxicated?

Star Trek DS9

1. Garak is AWESOME. I loved him from the moment he sat down at Bashir's table and started talking in that half-seductive, half-amused way of his.

2. I want to pat Dr. Bashir on the head because he's so EARNEST and NAIVE, and constantly sticks his foot in his mouth.

3. Hahaha, Miles O'Brien and Julian Bashir's interactions are brilliant, since they pretty much go along these lines:

BASHIR: *brightly* We should be friends! *goes on a long, rambling explanation of why, which is pretty much all about Bashir being needy*
O'BRIEN: ...Yeah, how about no.
BASHIR: But-- but-- why not?
O'BRIEN: Because I hate your face, sir. >:-(
BASHIR: *crestfallen* But we should be the bestest friends ever! You should call me Julian instead of sir!
O'BRIEN: *icily* Is that an order?
BASHIR: Well, no, but I really, really, REALLY want you to. *puppy dog eyes*
O'BRIEN: ...Hate. You. So. Much.

4. Pretty much every character on the show is awesome (with the exception of the Ferengi because they annoy me and have WAY too much episodes focused on them being greedy assholes). Kira? Awesome. Odo? Awesome. Jadzia? Awesome. Both Sisko's? Awesome. Yay for an awesome ensemble cast.

star trek

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