Okay, how much do I love my Medieval Lit professor?

Feb 15, 2007 14:19

The answer is: a lot.

Especially when she shows us stuff like this for class:


This is why I love SGA fandom and Rodney/Radek. *points at Rodney/Radek manip by liviapenn* Tell her how awesome she is in this post. (She also did a Sam/Vala and John/Teyla Valentine. Because she's awesome.)

*gets distracted by the gorgeous image of Rodney and Radek* God, it's just so PRETTY and...mmm....

Also, if you haven't seen this, you should watch it. Now that's a spin-off I would watch.

And McKay and Zelenka as best friends. *grin*

...And "The Truth About Men" Atlantis style. *snerk*

Okay, done now. *wanders off*

star trek, sga

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