So the race is on. Damn this active-fandom business! Maybe it's just my anxiety issues talking, but if I'm to participate in a real-time fandom, I'm feeling pressure to not iconize the same moment as anyone else--which means I have to be first. Otherwise, I'd just be retreading old ground.
I thought I was ready for this, but then I got to go see Jonsi in concert last night. And tonight I got home late from work (and caught the only-available bus, which made me even later) only to discover I didn't have my house keys and my roommate was at class. But I had car keys! This naturally led to french toast for dinner at the local diner until she got home. Followed by baking and red wine and downloading the episode I'd missed.
In the end, I really only had time to make one before 1am. It's a GREAT moment in the show, and I'm determined to at least keep up with everyone else who is iconizing that exact same moment. (Also, I photoshopped the hell out of it and I think I really improved the focus and lighting.**)
Please. Take. I'm making more!
smirk of corruption
Handily the episode featured LOTS of scenes of the main characters all shined up in formal wear. Nrgh! More icons forthcoming this week (because finally I have time off work!).
**Oooh! I've been wanting to do this for a while now. Let's look at the before and after side by side, shall we? ...Yeah, that's what I thought. Blurry and dark and did I mention blurry? Yeesh.