I'm cyclical...

Jan 14, 2004 12:20

I guess I've always sort of known it, but I was noticing the other night that I do things in cycles... I'll go through the same series of phases over and over again where things will hold my attention for a while, and then cycle through them... I don't think they follow a pattern as far as what follows what, but there are definite things that I cycle through.

Lately it's been music... but music for me has two different branches... one is the purchasing of, and listening to new music, the other is the pathetic attempt at creation of some sort of 'music'. It's weird because I'm going through both of them at the moment... I have the urge to find new music.. and new doesn't necesarily have to mean just released, just new to me, something I haven't heard before. But lately I've also been tinkering around with trying to make music too... it's too bad that I have no talent for writing or singing though, so the best I could ever come up with would be some sort of instrumental music, but I did come up with some good percussion the other night... unfortunately I have to wait for some guy in Sweden to give me a registration key before I can share it with anyone... I need the key in order to save it out as a .wav or .mp3 file, but as soon as I get that I'll post it so anyone who cares can give it a listen.

But the good news is that I've been in a much better mood lately... so yay!

Oh, and the current mood of "sore" isn't really my mood so much as it is my physicality... I did my weight training excersize thing last night, so I'm a little sore... the back of my arms hurt, but it's the good kind of sore... it's an accomplished feeling. I really need to keep up with the excersizing, especially since Chris said I'm starting to get bigger again... I did lose a decent amount of weight a few months back, but then working 10 hours a day made me REALLY not want to come home and excersize... but now that I'm back to a normal schedule I'll try to keep it up... I hate to call it a new year's resolution or anything like that, seems that it would just doom it to failure, so I'll just call it a plan. :)
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