Fic: Was This The Face That Launch'd A Thousand Ships? (pt. the Epilogue)

Oct 03, 2015 12:23

This is a short epilogue, which should actually be considered the end of part 3, which was actually part of part 2, which was part of part 1, because I wrote it not as chapters but as a singular read though because I didn't know LJ had a character limit.

I still don't know what that character limit is. I have no idea. I kind of scrolled to half way and then cut, and the cut each of those two parts in half, and glued those halves into the middle part. If I sound frantic, that's cause I am, because I'm trying to get this done and posted and it's fighting me.

summary, warnings, wc in the others. This short needs none of those things.

(This doesn't need a read more, it is short.)

Arthur, it had to be noted, had never had an Ariadne problem. He had an Eames problem. Continues to have an Eames problem. Eames, to be frank, was a problem. He just wanted it pointed out before people started trying to pinpoint whos fault everything was.

The answer, as should be obvious, is Eames.

Not Arthur.

Eames continues to politely disagree.

Ariadne refuses to take sides. Mostly.


(Date ∞

“What Greek god is so hot you could fry an egg on him?” Eames asks, amid a chorus of groans. Arthur kicks at his feet, where they’re all tangled together at the base of their bed, and Ariadne throws her paperback.

“I will smother you before you finish that joke.” Arthur promises, to which Eames replies,

“You can Troy, but you won’t succeed.” There’s a second, where Eames grins at Arthur, and Arthur contemplates the logistics of dumping Eames’ body in the nearest riverway, then Ariadne chimes in with,

“I Sisyphus what you did there.”

Arthur is quite sure that he could justify double homicide in a court. You have no idea how many shitty, shitty puns and jokes he’s heard. In the end, though, Arthur just slumps back against the mattress before saying,

“I Hades puns.”

There’s silence, before both Eames and Ariadne cheer so loud they get a literal noise complain the next day.

They hang it next to the Van Gogh.)

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

writing, pairing: ariadne/arthur/eames, round 5, pairing: threesome, fanfic, i_reversebang

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