Oh all my "Winter Soldier" emotions...

Aug 24, 2012 16:06

Good lord my love of this character won't leave me alone. This morning I woke up and was esctatic to find that the preview pages of the next issue of Winter Soldier were up on CBR. I guess I'm getting pretty spoiled by X-Factor getting released every two weeks, because it just feels sooo long since the last issue of WS. Need to know whats going on with Natasha!

But now? Now I find out that Ed Brubaker is leaving the book after issue #14!!! This is the guy who brought Bucky back in the first place! The writer who made me completely fall in love with this character who before I knew only as Cap's old sidekick who got killed during WWII. So yeah, I'm a little torn because, yeah, I really love how Brubaker has been writing Bucky, but have to remain optomistic that the new writer is going treat Bucky and Natasha right. Because I really want this book to continue, and keep Bucky active in the Marvel-verse, especially with the new Cap movie coming out in a couple years. Can't have the MCU reintroduce such an amazing character and have him disappear in the comic-verse.

Yeah.. just need some time to process this all, get used to it. (And so long as Peter David never leaves X-Factor, think I can eventually live with it)

ETA: I shall exagerate my dispair at this news to justify buying a large milkshake on the way home from work.
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