I am such a Marvel girl..

Mar 01, 2012 23:06

Oh dear, I really am getting sucked back into Marvel comics. It's 2007 all over again...

First off, new Avengers movie trailer just came out. Eeee! So excited! Most anticipated movie of the year, after The Hunger Games and The Hobbit (speaking of which, NEW PRODUCTION BLOG VIDEO!! Hello New Zealand, why are you so breathtaking. Also, dwarves in barrels, will not stop grinning).

Second, I gave into temptation and paid for an online subscription for Marvel's Digital comic collection. Pretty sweet. Already made my way through X-Factor, which is awesome and often hilarious (and so full of references! I see you, 'Vote Saxon' graffiti.) Gah! Why is the digital library six months behind!

Just now finished reading 1602, which is a really awesome "reinterpretation" of the Marvel Universe if all the major characters/superheroes lived in the year 1602, complete with Queen Elizabeth and Spanish Inquisition. And can I admit that I'm rather particularly fond of Matthew Murdoch (Daredevil) reimagined as a blind Irish bard/master spy. Also Magneto, because.. it's Magneto. He exists to be intriguing And omg, I had absolutely no idea that this story was written by Neil Gaiman. I just remember seeing the comics years ago and was intrigued by the concept. Nevermind the (spoilers!) reveal of very timey-whimey weirdness to the plot. (oh comics and your love of time-travel and alternative dimensions <3. Nothing can ever be simple.) Also, the art is absolutely gorgeous. I do so recommend.

Ps. Still in market for new job and new laptop. Temps only go so far..
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