Oh, and er, minus one job... but don't feel like talking about that now.
So yeah, just a minute ago finished reading The Hunger Games. Man, you'd think I've had already have had this read for now, with all the hype I've been seeing on the internet and from friends for the past year now. I've already had at least 3 dreams related to it now, two before I ever got the book. The other was last night, the night I started reading (that didn't take long), and it had a bit of Peeta x Katniss shippiness (well hey! it was all pretty obvious from the get go where that was heading). Though for whatever reason, as I slipped into the Katniss role, I was most disappointed that as a tribute I would never get around to playing Majora's Mask. Took the Zelda compilation disks with me anyway. Of course!
So yeah, quite the page-turner. Didn't do much else today. Can definately see where the mass-appeal comes from, and it's really intriguing that we as the reader are essentially the television audience of the book. (Oh fictional characters, fun to torture, but wish happier endings T_T) Quite curious how the movie will interpret the story.
But enough of that, because OMG WHEEL OF TIME!
So yeah, it took me over a year to get through the last two books (mostly distracted by things like SCHOOL and DOCOR WHO and ZELDA and INTERNETS!), and then for Christmas I get The Gathering Storm (book 12) and got through it under two weeks. True, it was kinda obvious from the get-go that this was written by the new guy, but quickly got past that because oh wow so much cool stuff happening and REAL PLOT RESOLUTIONS and CHARACTERS FINALLY ADMITTING THAT THEY MIGHT HAVE FAULTS!!
Yeah... one of the most frustrating things while reading the Wheel of Time series is that one of the most common character traits is stubborness, and that all the main characters have this inability to understand the opposite gender (ie, "men are idiots", "women are impossible"). But maybe, just maybe at this point everyone will get past that train of thought. WORK TOGETHER PEOPLE, AND MAYBE THEN YOU'LL HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN AGAINST THE DARK ONE.
Letters to the WoT characters:
Dear Rand -
poor baby... You so badly need a hug, here let me give you one. That ending!! T_T Don't ever scare me like that again, you hear. No seriously, you were ****ing terrifying. Still determined to cling to you as one of my favorites, so you better not not lose it any more than you already have (and is that fricking possible? oh why am I terrified to have that answered..)
Dear Moiraine -
Please reappear soon! Rand so very desperately needs you to be back, and so do I since you are one of my fav female characters. I will forward to Mat to get his ass moving.
P.S. I read my copy of the New Spring graphic novel, so very awesome. Miss you!
Dear Mat -
You are awesome, and ever since I pegged you to become my #1 favorite since the very paragraph of you introduction, you have not disappointed (well, except, ironically, in that first book but then we quickly learned that wasn't your fault, now was it). Quite literally LOLed in all your chapters. Plz to be making more overly elaborate backstories in the future, and I will be wise to avoid all places called Hinderstap in the future.
P.S. Please hurry to get Moiraine in the next book and reunite with Rand.
Dear Telmanes -
WTF? Did you always have this amazing dry humor? Guess i'll blame that on Sanderson, who obviously had way too much fun writing you and Mat.
Dear Nynaeve -
My appreciation of you has had its ups and downs over the series, but I still love you and thank you for sticking with Rand. I just really, really love you in that Big Sister role.
Dear Min -
Oh thank you for finally saying what I've been dying someone to say since forever ago! Seriously, Cadsuane and every other Aes Sedai take note, you can't frigging CONTROL the bloody DRAGON REBORN! Hoping Rand apologises soon, because you are the best girlfriend by far.
Dear Aviendha -
Very happy to see you out of Elayne's shadow and back in your own spotlight. Best of luck in Rhuidean!
Dear Gawyn -
Geez man, take a bloody clue and get back to your sister! Your devotion is great, but remember your duty!
P.S. Your mom's fine so please learn this soon and quit hating on Rand.
Dear Egwene -
Oh girl, you have finally earned my admiration. How much more badass could you get? I admit I never really cared for you early in the series, but now I see how necessary your own stubbornness and tendency to ignore the rules was to get you where you are. Though, I should tell you that you are kinda reminding me a lot of Rand right now, so don't be that typical Aes Sedai and think you can control him. Trust me, it won't work.
*Dear Verin -
Well I... can't say that I saw that one coming... wow. Still, I always did like you, such an odd-duck, and one of the few bearable Aes Sedai. Actually, this makes you all the more admirable and I'm obviously going to have to pay more attention to your scenes on any future revisits.
Dear Bryne and Siuan -
Ok, I'm much more convinced by your relationship now. Carry on~
Dear Perrin -
Eh, still not as invested in your character, but glad to see you remember you main mission after your sidequest to save your wife. Also, how on earth did you meet up with Galad and can that meeting please be featured in the next book. I want to see Faile's reaction to Morgase.
Dear Tuon -
Oh dear...While I'm very amused by your questions about Mat while meeting with Rand, you really have pushed a bit too far. Ehhehe... curious what the fallout will be for the Seanchan next book.