Dear Yuletide Author 2017

Oct 08, 2017 21:39

Dear Yuletide Author,

First, thank you for taking on my request! I'm super excited to read whatever you write for me :)

And now...some details...


The Good Place

I really love Eleanor's character and that's why I only specifically requested her - though I am happy to see any of the other bunch! Glimpses of Eleanor's past are great, and I love when she does things that show her new found knowledge of ethics, sometimes unknowingly.

Eleanor's relationships with Chidi, Tahani and Jason are all super fun. If there's any romance to be found, I prefer Eleanor with Chidi and no matter the topic, I would definitely prefer a happy ending (or as happy as it gets in the Bad Place!).

I really like Janet, and Michael, and wouldn't mind a story set in an alternate future from where we are currently in the series. I think some of the loophole possibilities seem intriguing, including the Medium Place, and Janet's growth over the reboots.



What can I say about Burnt? Well, I super ship Adam and Tony, and I also think that Reece is one of those interesting characters that's just asking for some sort of backstory, or at least more of a present/future story than where he is in relation to Adam.

Essentially, I'll be happy with a story about any or all of these guys!



As I mentioned in my request, I'm most interested in the future of this crazy expedition. I think it would also be amazing to explore the psychological consequences of what they have gone through, even if they somehow found a strange kind of peace and fulfillment on the new planet.



Can John maintain his new lifestyle? How will Angela reconcile her new view on the world with her regular 9 to 5? What can Chas do in his new role? I feel like there are a lot of questions that the movie leaves us with and I'd be happy with any ideas for answers. That being said, a slice of life/vignette about any or all of these characters would also be more than welcome :)
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