New Year

Jan 15, 2012 16:39

I've always tended to stay away from resolutions in January since I'm
a) not a big fan of commitment and
b) terribly afraid of putting effort into something and then failing (thus proving that I'm just not good enough).

But, recently it's seemed like a good idea to think about what I want out of life, what my goals are and how I'm going to go about achieving them. To start with I've signed up for the Day Zero Project ( where I've made a list of 101 things I'd like to do and I have 1001 days in which to accomplish them.

You set your own start date and mine was Jan. 1, 2012. Some of the goals I've made for myself are specific, one-time things (visit Paris, submit a novel to a publisher, knit a sweater) and some are more subjective and/or long term (do more yoga, learn to play the harp, try to eat breakfast everyday).

One of my goals is even to make a Bucket List since I've never sat down and really thought about all the things I'd like to do before the end of my life. For some reason I just always thought the things I wanted or wanted to experience would just happen, no significant planning required. If there's one thing I've learned over the past years, it's that life doesn't work that way :)

But, the main thing I'm hoping to get out of this endeavour is motivation. I think that being more specific about what I want and acknowledging that some things needed to be long term plans will help with that.

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