Man today was okay man.. i think iam going absolutly crazyO
over ebay..i owe shit loads bleh.. man today i was lookin'
foward on talking to Ricco , because i've been missing all
of his phone calls.. and when i called him back he seemed
really tired and i felt really awful so i let him go.. :'( and for
some reason the day i want to talk to Roel and Karla they
never answer the phone.. man ! wtf is going on today..
everyday HIM seems far away.. i want to go see him so
bad.. man i will even runaway just to go see him. but
ebay is leaving me and i so don't want to
ask my mom for money.. so bleh..well my aunt mary is here
, she came from LV. man iam so bored... and i don't know if
i can take the freakin test tomorrow because then my band
teacher will be all like wtf.!!!