(no subject)

Apr 02, 2005 12:27

So yesterday was April Fools, and I didn't really play any tricks on anyone. When I was younger I used to rack my brain over coming up with something completely lame, yet at the time seemed completely awesome. Well so here I was thinking that the spirit of April Fools Day had completely left never to be seen again, but then Mr. Bopp told us we had a pop quiz. Fabulous, because we didn't! It wasn't that great of a trick though. The award for BEST trick played on anyone EVER (or at least...yesterday) goes to miss Sydney!!! I won't tell ya what it was, but my word she had me and Charlotte FOOLED! Actually, no she didn't. Because she told us and then we're like: haha, very funny, it's April Fools. Well she kept telling us over and over that she was dead serious and so then we were kinda wondering if she really was telling the truth. I told her to pinky swear on God that she wasn't lying, but she wouldn't. So anyway, she finally told us that she was merely kidding and I felt like smacking her, I love her so much!!! lol
Well, it's off to Ethan's tonight. Andrew will be there, as well as Sydney. <3 Sweetness, indeed. Is it a date? No. But it might as well be. lol
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