Apr 02, 2007 13:14
As many of you may know, my 21st birthday was Thursday, and it was awesome. Started off nice and early, as of course birthdays should, at 7:30 so I could get some hmwk done (since I knew I'd be busy that night). This turned out fine as people outside of my timezone were able to send birthday wishes.
So I'm up, doing hmwk, getting dressed, and...compulsively checking facebook.com like a madwoman XDD. What? I'm a glutton for love, what can I say?
Mmm, so my friend's class got out about an hour early, which rocked, and we went to a local Gainesville restaurant called Café Gardens. We ate outside in absolutely gorgeous weather...further proof there's a God because the next day was nasty out. God wanted my special day to be a good one mhm. So anyway, we tell the waitress it's my 21st, so she's all excited for me and about being the first to card me XD. So my friend and I relaxed, chatted, each had a glass of white wine... BLAGH. Not a fan, or at least not that sort. But that was ok as she took me to Ben & Jerry's next, and I happily overloaded my chocolate quota with Chocolate Therapy: chocolate ice cream with bits of chocolate pudding and chocolate brownie bits. And we chatted some more until we had to go to class.
Class was less than fun as we had to take quiz. Birthday kharma my butt. But! My friend surprised me with a Birthday Scone, which was very yummy.
After class, I chatted a bit and then had to go. Whereupon I ran into a friend I hadn't seen all semester and we- can you guess?- yup, we chatted. Very nice.
Went home, checked facebook again, clapped happily, hung out for a bit. Saw that Dem'd started a cool birthday thread for me on the Board. :D
Went to Maranatha (church choir practice) where I was immediately hailed, and in one friend's case GLOMPED in the church parking lot. Lots of happy birthdays :). After practice, I was pushed in the middle of the circle and sung happy birthday to. In harmony no less XD.
Break for dinner, more happy birthdays.
Contemporary worship, which is always a blast. That night I was a little distracted, though, because I ended up spending a lot of it on the phone. My family called to sing happy birthday and to see how my day was going. My former roommate and her 2 current roommates (and friends of mine through her) called to say happy birthday. And I had people calling for clarification of my plans for that evening. And then at the end of the service, people sang happy birthday to me again.
Afterwards, we all drove over to T.G.I. Friday's. When I say "all", I mean about 20 people. Friday's loved us I'm sure (rolls eyes). I'd forgotten my wallet in my backpack in my friend's car, so when the waitress came for my order, I had to hop up and sprint to the car and back. >_< But it was all good, and I thoroughly enjoyed both my margarita and my next drink, a sex on the beach. With a little help from my friends XD. When the waitress brought out my slice of cake, everybody sang happy birthday to me again. :)
I completely didn't think about pictures at all, but fortunately my friend was on top of things and brought her digital camera.
I left in a very pleasant state. Not drunk, but thoroughly buzzed. Which was just fine as I live on the 4th floor. And I had a test the next day.
And then my parents/sibs came up for parents weekend this past weekend. My mom made birthday cake and brought it as well as my birthday presents. So I got happy birthday sung to me again =D. My fam met up with other church folks/families at Lake Wauburg and had a cook-out (Lake Wauburg is a property owned by the university that's a few miles off campus, and free to anyone with a valid student ID). And then that evening we all met up at the church, had dinner, and watched the Gators beat the SNOT out of UCLA, paving the way for tonight's national championship.
My brother and my dad had to leave early Sunday morning for a prior commitment, but my mom and sister stayed. That was nice as they got to see me sing once with Maranatha, play 2 handbell pieces (one of which involved clapping *_*), and on this particular Sunday read a scripture piece. And then we had a nice lunch out together before they went home.
All and all it was a fantastic day/weekend. And while I know I'm loved, I mean of course I know that...it's still really nice to be reminded sometimes. ^^