Hey, I didn't know that either. Thanks for sharing it; 'tis now filed away :D
For the longest time, I thought the plural of "moose" was "meese." I kid you not, that's what my first grade teacher told us. My cousin and I had a long argument over it, and she definitely shoved it in my face when it turned out she was right. Oh, how I shudder to reflect on all the times I used the word "meese"---not many, but still.
I was talking to my bio prof about the data I collected in one my labs, and she's like "you mean datum," and I, lacking common sense, stare at her, and say "No, I mean data... is "datum" what we're supposed to be observing?" You have no idea how stupid I felt when I left that class.
Hold on, what is the plural of moose? Is it just moose? Like fish is fish? Oh gosh I need to go back to kindergarten.
p.s. Isn't Nae's icon so very addicting to watch? I want a bouncing elephant and a trampoline.
-smacks forehead- I forgot to mention what the correct form was! It is just moose. I find it odd, though. Same like fish. :D
Aw, but don't feel stupid. I'm sure people make mistakes like that all the time. I'd never heard the word datum before in my life; I always used data as the singular form, too.
It is! I've seen it before and it always makes me giggle. He's just so...so, gleeful, it looks like. Like, he's got a goofy grin plastered on his elephant face and he's saying "weee! weee!"
Comments 7
(you have no idea how many minutes I wasted staring/giggling at your icon. Who knew bouncing elephants were so entertaining?)
For the longest time, I thought the plural of "moose" was "meese." I kid you not, that's what my first grade teacher told us. My cousin and I had a long argument over it, and she definitely shoved it in my face when it turned out she was right. Oh, how I shudder to reflect on all the times I used the word "meese"---not many, but still.
Hold on, what is the plural of moose? Is it just moose? Like fish is fish? Oh gosh I need to go back to kindergarten.
p.s. Isn't Nae's icon so very addicting to watch? I want a bouncing elephant and a trampoline.
Aw, but don't feel stupid. I'm sure people make mistakes like that all the time. I'd never heard the word datum before in my life; I always used data as the singular form, too.
It is! I've seen it before and it always makes me giggle. He's just so...so, gleeful, it looks like. Like, he's got a goofy grin plastered on his elephant face and he's saying "weee! weee!"
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