Oh for fuck's sake.
Note to everyone. If I fuckin' know you, can you try not to get injured, killed, or mutilated? Christ. I'm at the point where I'm startin' to not give two shits here, people.
Got another goddamn fuckin' corpse on my hands here. This is gettin' way too retardedly common. Do I look like a fuckin' funeral director? Well, at least I warned this asshat before he decided to frolic with monster albino.
Hey, my house is packed to the gills at the moment, so anyone else who knows
hellblazingly, I'll dump him off at your house. He's a little waterlogged, but I'm sure you could hang him out to dry or something. And a little dead. But he'll probably be back soon enough.
Also, Misa? Sorry about sort of not being at my job. People dying, people going batshit, the usual. Be back in tomorrow.
[[ooc:Badou found John's corpse. Lulz. He would like to drop him off somewhere plz.]]