May 29, 2010 17:05
Yep. I suck.
I was positively angelic yesterday - I walked 12 miles and burnt over 1000kcal off, and only ate 550kcal.
I woke up this morning feeling like death, possibly because it's a) cold in the UK, b) I was still shattered from my walk yesterday and c) I may have caught my boyfriend's cold. I had a low fat yoghurt for breakfast which is rare for me, as I usually skip breakfast. And then I had a freaking scone. What the fuck? I have no idea. My only excuse, or theory is that I didn't binge the other day when I felt like it, and since then I've had the urge to do so ever since (true). I suppose getting it out of my system is better than it loitering there like the proverbial pink elephant until I can take more and binge myself crazy.
I went to meet my boyfriend at work and we ended up getting something to eat - I had fucking scampi and chips. I looked it up on a calorie counter website and it estimates it at 1000kcal - I very much doubt it was that as it was a reasonably small portion, so I've put 800kcal. That's 200kcal more than I had yesterday, and thats just freaking lunch. I am a loser, but not in the good way!
I bought a mini fudge bar for a chocolate fix - I managed to convince myself that at least I'm not going for a great big fuck off chocolate bar (although I've never had massive choc cravings) so I guess that's something. But I picked up a pizza and chicken skewers/pakora's for dinner tonight; we usually watch the Eurovision with some beers (which I got too) and some junk food. I guess I just gave up.
I'm already planning out what I can and can't eat until my official weigh in on Wednesday. Am going to go back to 500kcal a day and do enough exercise to burn that off so I'm in deficet. I'm at my boyfriend's though, so it may be harder to get away with...
Am buying a swimsuit here to leave at boyfriends and going to walk the 3 miles to the pool to do some swimming, going to attempt an hour of lane swimming if not more. Have no idea what to aim for this week loss wise, not now today is a complete fuck up. I suppose in fairness I lost 6.5lbs last week and had two non-counting days, so it's possible I spose. Unlikely, but I will monitor it with my scales at Boots.
Hope you are all fairing better!
Missyb -x-