(no subject)

Jun 18, 2004 10:21

Here's a list of people that deserve to be dragged into the woods and gutted with a rusty meat hook and hanged on a tree with their entrails hanging out to be fed on by wolves:

People that say ...

"I am a product of society."
- You also deserve to be raped by 10 angry men. Congratulations, conformist. You have successfully been able to adhere to everything that today's society tells you to do. You dress like everyone else, talk like everyone else, you watch the same movies as everyone else, and you ARE everyone else. You are not an individual.

Catch-phrases such as "You got SERVED," "I'M RICK JAMES, BITCH!" and "Wazzah!!!"
- You also deserve to be locked in a dirty port-o-potty and set on fire. These have got to be the most annoying utterances of the human tongue to ever come out. Admit it. We're all guilty to having said one, two, or all three of those. But congratulations to you who STOPPED saying it. What was Budweiser thinking when they put a bunch of guys together on the phone screaming "Wazzah!" to each other? For God's sake! Monkey see, monkey do. If we put monkeys in front of a camera and made them clap their hands for 30 seconds while making animal noises in a commercial for, say, Budweiser, the next thing you know, every 12-year-old-minded kid walking around would do the same thing. "You got served?" I'm still waiting for my meal here, man. I didn't get served. Oh shit! You didn't even take my order! I want a big serving of SHUT THE FUCK UP. You Got Served wasn't even a good movie, and yet people everywhere are repeating that catch-phrase. And "I'm Rick James"? No. You're not Rick James. You're a poser trying to follow what everyone else is doing in order to stay cool. See also: I am a product of society.

William Hung
- She bangs! She bangs! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! What's so special about a Chinese guy with bad teeth that sings bad but thinks he's good? Oh, yeah, that's right. Special with the connotation of RETARDED. And they even gave this guy a record deal? Hmm. Record companies should do that more, I think. I have an idea! How about "New York City Hobo Idol," where hobos are herded on stage to display their hobo abilities and get a record deal. I bet that'll attract more viewers than American Idol!

*more coming*
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