Sep 06, 2004 16:43
Went to the Republic of Ireland this weekend (aka, the real Ireland). Spent a bunch of time in County Donegal, visiting Sleave League, near the town of Karrick. The cliffs at Sleave League are fucking scary. The area is known for suicides and accidental falls...when we went up it was windy as hell and rainy out, at one point I wandered off the trail and I fell into a hole!!!! I didn't end up in China, but I did get dirty. Last week was mostly site visits, including a tour of ancient Stone Henge-esque stone circles and a visit to the Ulster American Folk Park, an open-air museum in Co Tyrone. It was kind of like the equivelant of an Irish Williamsburg...tacky, but interesting. I didn't know the crazy migration that took place in the 18th and 19th centuries. There was even a creepy boat life-size boat with wax statues of poor peasants (gisle's favorite) sleeping in beds and peeling potatoes.
Okay, gotta go, pictures soon, I just dropped off some film!