Jul 25, 2004 23:03
Hello Block Party. Hello boys in girl pants. Absolutely revolting.
This afternoon, tired and hungover, Angela gave me the call and I was off to the Block Party with $12 in tow. Fake wristbands were a failure but the real thing was just as good. Dear Bekah fueled these spirits with Tequila and pizza as the night went on and on. First off was Murdock where Alx decided it was a good idea to infuse Rock n' Roll with scenes from Dirty Dancing. Sorry Mr., you might enjoy your pelvis there, but nobody puts Karen in the corner. Next was the Blood Brothers and more boys in girl pants...but one man stood alone. Hello Dave. Hello my Botch baby. Green shirts and fire fighting postures one uped the Blood Brothers as I got a chance to stare at the Botchest boy in the world. Back to Bill's and the PBR returned this tank to full. Finally, the last few minutes of the Melvins completed the night and Angela and I started the long bus ride home. A phone call from Petey completed the evening and I <3 today. Yes, that's right, I said <3.