
Feb 23, 2011 14:20

I was going to post something about how disappointed I am in "instant watch" selections on Netflix, when I realized I hadn't posted anything about my scooter!

I bought it back in November for less than it's worth, but a little more than I can afford, especially since I still don't have my drivers license (though I'm working on it. blergh) and it still needs a bit of work to get it back to running happily. It wasn't running at all when I first got it, and I had to replace the fuel line and a filter or two, but it's going now, which is better than it used to be!

Luckily, I've connected up with the local scooter club, and they've all been extremely helpful with teaching me to repair and work on it. Plus, they actually go out and do things together, which is nice, since I don't have really any friends left in the area (and the onces left have so much adolescent drama constantly, that it's not even worth the trouble).

Anyway, it's a 1979 Vespa P200 and I'll stick this pic under a cut since it's large.

When I get some extra cash and am better at riding it (ie, not dumping it all time), I'm totally getting a crash bar and a shit ton of mirrors.


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