Apr 24, 2005 20:48
So this is how life goes, we break, we shatter, we rebuild ourselves. Creating (false?) passions to fill a void. We think, contemplating the meaning of life (is there one?). We write, trying (desperatley?) to boil down undefinable emotions into the "human condition." We paint, we sing, we act, we do all of this to somehow understand the reason for all of this. The reason we breathe, the reason we bleed, the reason why we have techicolor dreams every night. We analyze the patterns, in an (impossible?) attempt to figure out the puzzle of life. Human's are astoundingly creative. We've managed to create countless religions, philosophies, myths- all because of our need to understand what's happening around us. Maybe life is some grand magical experience, or maybe it's just the science of mere existence; I don't know. And, unfortunetly none of us will ever know (Or will we..?). Despite of our utter lack of explanation, we strive to form plans and dreams. We make up ideas, settle down and build homes. Fuck, we even form "fashion codes." All to lead up to what? We die, and then does everything of ours become meaningless?...or does it serve a purpose for a future generation- all of whom will die as well. And, which is more important- "fashion codes" and living the so-called conventional way, or instead, rejecting societies "conventions" and living a life of debate and exploration? And, are human connections, or a sense of self, more important? My answer to most of these questions is simply "I don't know, nor to any of us really have a way of knowing." (Although natural science used to be philosophy- hundreds of years ago we had absolutley no way of knowing even how trees grew. Will we, years from now, know WHY as well?) Even though "I don't know" is my "official" answer, I can't keep myself from debating these seering questions. Yet, knowing all of this- or not knowing this, still gets me where? We've built so much, set up a world with regulations and theories- but no matter what we are still bereft of the ability to know why we do this. Why we choose to live in a world like this(Or do we? The world has changed so gradually- no one could have seen what would happen), or why we do anything at all.