you guys are too young for this shit, ITS HEROIN!

Jan 28, 2034 03:06

today was pretty decent. i stayed up till like 5 am last night! so yeh, i slept all friggin day. haha. i got up around 5 at night. i ate some mushroom noodles from a package, SO GOOD. and just slummed around the house. me and jill of course had a date this evening, so i got ready. went over there. we smoked some cigarettes, and talked to her wonderfull mother. later we came back and got JAZZIFIED. marian drove us to the mall. we saw many stupid fockers there, including RUDY JONAS, wow he was mean. yeh rudy im so HARD X CORE XX and gothic... yeh but NO. what a moron. i bought some more lip wring thingays, and we saw mr. kyle gatzke. we joined him to SAFEWAY and assisted in the grocery process, it was hillarious fun, haha indeed. we managed to haul our asses to HUMPS, we met some boys who we wrote notes to... they in the end were creepy and frightening, i felt uncomfortable. then when we were leaving to go to the bar, we saw some firecrotch with a GWAR shirt, and another guy in a trenchcoat... talked to them for a bit then went to the canad. it was fucking soooooooooo busy, its like tribal days or whatever. we stood in that damn lobby for three hours! at times wed go out for fags or ride the elevator, it was FUN. some heroin enthused man we met, discussed life and how we shouldnt be hanging around the bar and stuff. he was cracked out. then noel and her sister chased down this drunk girl... they didnt fight her at all, just alot of yelling... i was sad. but the bitch was CARAZY! like seriously insane. haha WOW. we bought some GANJA as well, oh so hard core... but NOT REALLY. my face feels as if its on fire. im still cold. STIll. horrible. ANYWAY, i guess ill go to bed now, for i acutally need to awake tomorrow to go to my mothers. adue.

uh uh

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