Apparently, I like to fall off the face of fandom with little or no warning whatsoever.
I do apologize sincerely to those of you who were actually waiting for me to do things like update/review or reply to long and rambly messages if there are any of you out there, but Thanksgiving took up the majority of my weekend and school took over the rest of
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YOU BETTER GET EVERYTHING DONE THOUGH. it doesn't matter really. Except, feel free to ask for fic in my Holiday Fic post.
Five years at uni? Three years was too much for me. >_< but I did all three. and hated them.
Hah, you need to share that wondrous piece of cracky angst. The world is better for its existence.
Sounds like you had a good Thanksgiving. See, we don't show gratitude. We celebrate treason attempts. XD
Yay for you caving. Should I be wishing you good luck, or run because I encouraged was responsible you to sign up?
Now I'm off to bed. I think. Good night!
Aww. Don't get sick! There's something going around campus, too. I'm all paranoid.
I WILL, DAMMIT. And I totally did ask for a fic. To do something as concrete as writing 30 fics in January will never happen for me, but if you give me a prompt in exchange, I'll write something for you. :)
I'll be 8 years on campus when I'm done, but at least I'm switching to another university next year. Should be fun. :D (I'm really nerdy that way.)
xD lol. I will. And thank you.
I DID. We cooked and ate a lot. That's about all Canadians do on Thanksgiving. Heyhey, celebrating a treason attempt is a kind of thanksgiving in its own way. :P
You should run. *serious nod*
Good night! :D
Eh, too late. I don't think I got that bug, but I do have a migraine. Boo. But work helped. Until now, anyway. Because I have nothing to focus on?
GOOD! I know! Hah, I'm keeping everything crossed. Not intending to write it all in January, the plot bunnies are already going insane over some of the prompts and saying 'write meeeee' so yes. But I need to update Bed of Nails and finish Follow the Yellow Brick Road first. They are my priorities.
Ooh. I better get thinking up a prompt then. *shifty*
Mmm food. Except, we don't traditionally eat food at Bonfire night. Just have a bonfire and set alight to fireworks. (Though you can sometimes get soup at them?)
I appreciate the sentiment. Even though it is now mid-afternoon!
Awww, that's not fair. And yea, it helps so much when you can focus on other things, I know. D: You should, uh... go and run outside screaming like a crazy person! It would be distracting! (Probably wouldn't actually help the headache, I suspect...)
:D No worries; I now have a huge spare in which I intend to get through a lot of these things, so long as my laptop battery doesn't die before I can find an outlet. YOU'D THINK THEY'D HAVE MORE OUTLETS IN THIS STUPID BUILDING.
Yes, I have certain priorities, too, such as updating that fic I promised to update every week. xD I've already broken my own promise. EPIC FAIL.
Go ahead! Don't pick anything too ridiculous, okay?
Oh, okay. Well. It's still a kind of thanksgiving. You're just thanking the person who committed the treason. Totally valid, yea?
lol, It's mid-afternoon here now, too! I guess I was a bit late to the party.
Eh, I was somewhat expecting to get one. Very few things distract me from migraines. I have to have something to really focus on (writing doesn't usually help. I think it's because it is a hobby rather than anything else)
YAY for spares! And did you get through a lot? Oh no, plug sockets are necessary in this day and age, how ridiculous!
BOO. I have to make sure I have a lot of mini-promises to myself. I don't always make them but it helps me get through a lot more than I ordinarily would.
I'll try not to.
He didn't actually commit the treason. It was foiled. So we're thanking the fact it was foiled?
I'm the same, haha; I always know when they're coming, yet for some reason I play down the symptoms. Then I actually do get one and it's like, "WOW, EPIPHANY." EVERY DAMN TIME. xD
Writing certainly doesn't help for me; thinking makes everything hurt mort, hahahaaaa...
NO. GODDAMN. My laptop died within fifteen minutes of me sitting down and writing that. I was right in the middle of composing that reply (down there) to sirenofodysseus. Soo cranked.
Then I met a friend of mine and we literally spent the rest of my spare dreaming up random excellence and eating poutine. GOOD TIMES but I made so little progressYea! I'd made a promise to myself to not post anything multi-chaptered until at least three chapters were complete (or close to it), because then I knew I'd be motivated to continue. Apparently, that logic failed. xD ( ... )
Hah. Yes, playing down migraines is so much fun. I always do the 'eh, it's only a migraine' thing and then people look like the eyes have popped out of my head or something. But they're just very frequent and looong and if I stopped every single time I had one I'd never start again. Plus I CANNOT sleep through a migraine for the life of me, so I might as well be productive and ignore it.
DAMN. That sucks.
What's poutine? And I hope you make progress soooon.
Hahah. I hope you find the motivation soon. I need to do the whole YAY SHINY REVIEW thing. :p
LOL, I do the same thing. But I play them down with myself as well. I'm always like, "Oh, it's not a migraine yet, so maybe it won't become one." And then it does become one and I'm like, "... NO WAY."
I can't sleep, either. But I do try (usually by locking myself in a pitch-black room).
Yeah. xD I'm workin' on it.
Oh! It's a French-Canadian mind-numbingly delicious combination of french fries and cheese and gravy, that looks like this.
YAY SHINY REVIEW sounds YAY and SHINY. :D I need to review you, too. GODDAMN. SO MUCH TO DO.
Haha. That sounds familiar. At work today they were all 'wtf? You're on day 3 of a migraine and you can MOVE?' but eh... if I stopped for every migraine, I wouldn't start again. XD
I don't even bother trying unless I really really have to. I did try last month because I felt like my insides were trying to pull themselves out. It STILL didn't work. D:
That sounds gross and amazing in equal measures. *nods*
SHINY REVIEW WILL BE VERY VERY SHINY. VERY. I promise. Unless I forget, of course.
That does sound like an awesome job. D: Jealous.
Uh, yeah. I feel the same; if I have a migraine, the best thing to do is to just try to ignore it and carry on. Sometimes, I just can't. xD You know, because it's not just a headache. Sometimes you literally cannot manage to move or get things done.
Ggguhhh, I totally know what you mean. D:
lol. Okay.
I think it's because I replied again to prompt and that spawned another conversation? Because we're totally normal like that. *nods* Oh dear...
Yeah, exactly. But because I clearly hate myself, even when I have those monster ones I still TRY and do things. Because I can never seem to nap and lying there, tossing and turning and going 'ow' is even more depressing than failing to do something.
Okay? uhm. I'm totally losing track here. YAY. Perhaps replying to longer messages would make MORE sense.
I'ma gonna reply to as many of thses as I can RIGHT NOW. Then hopefully you'll have a lot to keep you occupied in the next little while, lol.
Ahaha, that's totally the reason. I REMEMBER NOW. But I swear our conversation has actually branched out three times, not just two. xD
Mmhmm, I always try to do things as well, and then I just end up regretting it because the migraines just get worse and worse and then I seriously contemplate ways of ending my life, baha.
Yeah, I've completely lost track of what we were even talking about. xD
Yes, I have plenty to keep me occupied now. YAY.
haha. Has it? I can't remember the third, if it has, oh well!
Ohhh that's not good. With really long ones I end up thinking 'bugger this' and go to the doctor to get prescription painkillers and then live all drugged up for a while until it is gone.
GREAT!!!! :p
Yeah... I think we stopped making sense a looong while ago.
I shall help you to remain occupied, yes. As best I can.
lol. Actually, I think I was mistaken, and that's in some other post on my journal. Or maybe yours. It gets confusing when you reply to everything I post, LOL. And not much better when I try to reply to everything you post on top of that. :P
Though I think I missed some post of yours in the last week. My friends page got flooded and I lost it. Grbhjabhja.
But living all doped up on painkillers is so much better though not for your mental health, bahaha.
No, not good at all.
GODDAMN, YES. I'm so lost. xD
Oh! I have it. I was disappointed no one used this one in the ficathon, so....:
'You mean you need cool calculating bastards to save the world, do you?' - Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time
(I've always thought it a good prompt for Jane & Lisbon. *nods*)
(or if that one doesn't work for you, this quote from the same book and author: 'Sometimes thinking is like talking to another person, but that person is also you.')
I do like the second one, too, though. *wafflewaffle* WE SHALL SEE.
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