Today was busy!
I took Corwin to school as usual, after getting a load of laundry started.
Then I left the house again about 8:45 to take Ian & our next-door neighbor Lera to preschool. From there I stopped by Kroger in search of
Nestle Tollhouse Dark Chocolate & Mint Morsels (since I couldn't find them at HEB yesterday). I failed to find them at Kroger either. There was a recipe for "Magic Mint Chocolate Bark" using these in the coupon section of the Sunday paper a week ago, and it sounded really good, so I'm disappointed that I can't find these anywhere. :( Then I stopped in at the post office to post a letter via certified mail, and from there I headed to the dentist. My teeth were cleaned, it was refreshing to not have any children in tow (Ian was a terror at my last appointment 6 months ago), and no problems with my teeth were found. All in all, a good visit. :)
As I left the dentist's office, the tire pressure light came on in my car. I stopped at the $3.08/gallon Shell station at Louetta & I-45 for gas, but didn't have time to hunt for an air machine because I was running a tight schedule. From there, I headed home, where I switched out laundry and gobbled lunch. I was home for 20-25 minutes, and then went back out to volunteer in the library at the elementary school. I was there for almost 2 hours, until it was time to go pick up Ian & Lera from preschool. I've actually been up at the school library enough now that I'm starting to get familiar with where the picture books are shelved and can help kids find particular series that they're looking for -- Biscuit, Clifford, Curious George, etc. It's kinda nice. :)
Once I got home with Ian, I actually had an hour or so of breathing room, because Corwin has Destination Imagination after school on Tuesdays and I didn't have to pick him up 'til 4:00. I'm trying to get serious about potty training with Ian, though, so I've been taking him to sit on the potty frequently. So far, he rarely does anything in it, but I'm hoping that familiarity will breed comfort and he'll get used to the idea soon. After we picked up Corwin, we went to a "tie-dye party" that was organized by one of the moms I see regularly when taking Corwin to/from school. The kids all got t-shirts that they're supposed to wear for their Boosterthon Fun Run on Thursday, and they were supposed to tie-dye them or otherwise decorate them in some way before Thursday. It was really awesome of the mom to organize this, as it's certainly not something I would have gotten done if we were left to our own devices. We got home for the day a little after 4:30, and then it was time for the unpacking of backpacks, doing of homework, etc. And of course, the cooking of dinner.
And I said I was tired and ready to go to bed an hour ago. And here it is an hour later and I'm still up and still have Corwin's lunch to make for tomorrow. And I still have the tire pressure light to deal with tomorrow as well -- I'm assuming it's just related to the cooler temperatures outside, and nothing urgent. Here's hoping I'm right. Now, I'm going to end this post here and go take care of Corwin's lunch and see about getting some sleep. Good night, all!