IM Transcript

Oct 24, 2011 20:20

This is the transcript of a conversation that Corwin had with Andrew over ICQ this afternoon. Everything that Corwin typed, he came up with ENTIRELY on his own. He asked me how to spell "where" and "other" but the spelling of those two words was the only input I had.

Corwin (3:02 p.m.): hi daddy
Corwin: daddy
Corwin: daddy
Corwin (3:04 p.m.): daddy
Corwin: daddy
Corwin: daddy
Andrew (3:05 p.m.): Hi corwin
Corwin (3:06 p.m.): daddy
Corwin (3:08 p.m.): daddy where'd you go
Andrew (3:08 p.m.): I'm running around at work talking to people.
Corwin (3:09 p.m.) taik to me
Corwin (3:14 p.m.) y are you taiking to other people
Andrew (4:18 p.m.) Because I have to for work to get done.

Andrew said to me after he got home this evening, "He IS still 4, right?" Crazy kid.

corwin reading, corwin language, corwin typing

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