Sep 28, 2011 20:44
Yesterday, Ian turned 1!
We had a family birthday party for him on Saturday afternoon; he had a grand time and enjoyed all the attention. I made carrot cake cupcakes with cream cheese icing and sea critter gummies on top for decoration, and they went over much better with Ian than the carrot cake did with Corwin when he turned 1. Ian's birthday cupcake was demolished and devoured (though he was ultimately not allowed to have the gummy on top, after he tried to shove the entire thing in his mouth at one time).
Aftermath: Now if only we could get Corwin to let Ian play with his birthday presents!
As for his birthday itself, it was a pretty low-key day. Corwin had preschool, and we had Ian's class at the The Little Gym in the morning. Ian didn't feel much like participating in class that day, but he did enjoy climbing and exploring the gym, as well as trying to chew on anything he could find that would fit in his mouth. It left me wondering if he isn't working on some more teeth finally, though we can't see anything yet. Ian's buddy Miles came over to play in the afternoon. Nothing special for dinner, but he did get to devour another cupcake for dessert. :) Oh, and he got a runny nose for his birthday. :(
Today he had his 1-year checkup. He is 31 1/4" long (94%), 21 lb 12 oz (58%), and has a head circumference of 46.5 cm (63%). After looking him over his doc says he's a perfectly healthy little boy, but likely suffers from allergies. His runny nose is clear, and he has been sneezing and his eyes were red. So she recommended we try starting him on children's Zyrtec to see if that helps any. I'm not thrilled about him being on a daily maintenance drug already at 1 year old, but I do know that allergy meds help, and if it will cut back on the number of runny noses/allergy attacks that turn into sinus or ear infections, it will be worth it.
Corwin missed all three days of preschool last week due to being sick. When I asked his teacher yesterday if they had covered anything we needed to work with him on at home to catch up, she basically laughed at me and said he's so far ahead of the rest of the class academically that we don't need to worry. Apparently she's been having him read to the class sometimes, and often has to tell him to wait, don't say anything yet, when she asks the class a question so that the other kids get a chance to answer. It's starting already....I really hope he gets a teacher who can challenge him and keep him interested when he gets to kindergarten. I don't want him to skip a grade (because I think socially he is right where he needs to be with his peers) but I DO want him in some kind of GT program with other kids who are on par with him. I briefly looked at private school options and got frightened by the price tag ($13-14k/year)....but that was just a very surface look-see and I haven't gotten any further than that. I'd really rather keep him in public school, though, at the very least so that I can continue to be a stay-at-home parent for Ian while he is little. (Thought: I wonder if private school librarians are also required to teach for 2 years before they can be a librarian...)
ian vital stats,
ian's first birthday,
corwin preschool,