Hey, I've already spammed you today. What's one more post, right?
So, in my
first post of the day I mentioned that I was still tolerably healthy.
Well, I take it back. I can't believe I said that. Got through work okay today, though I was sneezing a fair bit. But since I've been home this evening, things have been steadily going down hill. Breathe, what's that?
It didn't help that Corwin started crying when I put him to bed tonight and didn't stop for a very long while, in spite of us trying to comfort him, giving him Tylenol, etc. A couple of friends have suggested ear infection. He's never had one before (so presumably not prone to them) and we haven't noticed him tugging at his ears or anything like that. Of course, that doesn't mean he hasn't got his first ear infection. Gonna see what he's like tomorrow and call his doctor then if it seems warranted. He did finally stop crying and go to sleep after Tylenol, calmly sitting upstairs in my lap listening to music and watching Andrew play EVE Online, and then crying in his bed for another 10 minutes or so. It's also possible it's teething related, as he is cutting his eyeteeth right now. But he is sick -- he's had a clear runny nose all day.
Blah. Not looking forward to being home just the two of us all day tomorrow. :( Andrew has to go to work because he's got some things that really have to get done, but I may ask him to come home early if I or Corwin are much worse than we were today. I don't fancy trying to drag Corwin off to the doctor on my own if it's needed when I feel half-dead myself. :(