Shopping today was successful.
I made it to A Woman's Work, and got an additional nursing bra and two nursing tanks. Seems I only think my breasts increased in size after Corwin was born; I seem to still be a 32E, which is what I was when I got fitted at 7 months. it was funny, though -- the woman who helped me today didn't believe me when I told her my size; I had to actually try stuff on to prove it to her. Honestly I think it is the 32 part that's the problem....a lot of bras in larger cup sizes don't even run that small, and if I go with a 34 circumference, then I am only a D.
I also got a breast pump; we opted for the Medela Swing. It is only a single pump, but it was half the cost of the Pump-in-Style, and since I'm only planning to pump occasionally, I couldn't really justify spending $300 on a pump; if I do end up going back to work, I'll see about borrowing a Pump-in-Style from someone who's offered. Technically, according to all the guides, I really only need a manual pump, but I'd really rather use an electric one. Ladies who pump or have pumped (or husbands of said ladies), how do you heat your bottles? Is one of the Avent bottle-warmers a good investment, or is there another, non-annoying way to heat them to the right temp?
On the diaper front, we are now trying the Safeway brand newborn diapers; that was the only newborn sized thing Randalls had that we haven't already tried. Once Corwin is big enough for the Size 1s, it looks like there are lots more options. Andrew and I are starting to wonder if he isn't just in an awkward, between-sizes stage, where his urine output is more than newborn size diapers can hold, but he's too small physically for the size 1s. We do sometimes get non-leaky wet diapers, and they always seem less full than the leaky ones do. Changing him more often may be making a difference during the day, but it's not a strategy I want to adopt for nighttime. :P
Also picked up two more boxes of Shortbread Girl Scout cookies from the girls selling them outside of Randalls. Yum! AND Randalls has Blue Bell Chocolate Chip ice cream (my favorite, but our HEB stopped carrying it a long time ago). I am a happy girl. Think I am gonna go have some now.
Just finished feeding Little Guy, and he's conked out on my lap. I wonder if he will go down for the night yet. Guess I will find out. [EDIT: Aaaand, he's down! Unfortunately, I can't go to bed just yet as I have a couple things I started before feeding him that I need to finish up. Hopefully he'll stay down for a good while, though.]