Time out from a busy day

Feb 27, 2006 10:13

Today is Andrew's first day at his new job. I don't know what kind of Internet access he has at work, so no telling if he'll be able to check lj, talk to me on ICQ, or whatever. So far, he's not been online, though I have had an email from him with his new phone number and email address. So...here's hoping he has a good day :)

This weekend was really nice -- we had the whole time to ourselves, with no planned activities to schedule around. I've been feeling better, so it was nice to be able to get useful things done and goof off, without feeling like I did too little of either.

Saturday I got my car's inspection taken care of. In March, I have to take care of its registration. It also needs a bath and an oil change. I thought about taking care of both the bath and the oil change on Saturday, but I got up too late for the oil change, and it was rainy so the bath would have been pointless. I spent a large chunk of the day reading Christopher Paolini's Eragon, which I have to say that I enjoyed. It's got a lot of elements of Anne McCaffrey's Pern books, as well as feeling Tolkien-esque. I've started on the second book in the trilogy, Eldest, but so far I'm not liking it as much. I think that's because it's shaping up to feel a lot more like LotR, which I'm not a fan of (blasphemy, I know!). Too much travel (with the goal known ahead of time, so there's no suspense to keep me interested), and not enough character development. *shrug* We'll see if I get tired of it before I finish.

Sunday we did all the laundry, went to the grocery store, and installed the hardware and hung the curtains in the guest bedroom. Unfortunately, installing the hardware left us with a couple holes in the wall that we'll need to patch at some future date -- Andrew managed to hit the edge of a stud with the drill, which knocked the drill off to the side, resulting in a MUCH bigger hole than needed. I think I have the materials needed to do the patch from back when noricum visited over a year ago, and we thought we were going to be patching holes in the bathroom. The problem is that I have to remember HOW to patch the darn holes! ;) Anyway, after all that was done, we spent the rest of the evening playing World of Warcraft, with a break for what ended up being a free dinner at Red Robin. They didn't have what I originally ordered, so I had to settle for a chicken sandwich, ordered with lettuce only as I usually do these things. My sandwich arrived, with mayo in addition to the lettuce, so we sent it back. Andrew was done with his meal by the time my replacement sandwich showed up (apparently they'd had to remake the entire thing), so the manager ended up comping our entire meal. Nice to have a free meal; the circumstances were not-so-nice though. In Wow, I got my hunter to 58, and she's working on the quest chain that leads up to the Onyxia key. Oh...one other thing that got done on Sunday -- spritenox came home for a little while, and we got the pantry re-organized so that we can tell which food is whose again.

So far, it's been a decent day at work. We got donuts this morning for someone's birthday. :) And my boss volunteered to cover my Wednesday afternoon desk shift for me (I had a conflicting meeting come up), without asking me to cover something else for her in exchange. So that's nice, too. And because the meeting is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, I don't have to work late tomorrow (4:30-5:30 tomorrow was one of the possible meeting times). So good things all around. However, I have things I ought to be working on now, so I should get back to it.

Tonight, I am meeting Carly at 7:00 for her wedding dress fitting (for alterations). Other than that, not much going on here.

1999 honda civic lx, house, work, books, world of warcraft

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