Hyper belated welcomes to my lovelies at Namimori:
eclats_de_voix and
boyues! ❤ I'm so glad there are so many awesome people in this TCG, and by now we're already getting along swimmingly, and I'm glad for that! (❀◡‿◡。) I go by Bel on TCGs, but my real name is Adorabelle (... no name jokes okay). I recently graduated from junior college and hopefully, am going for art school sometime this year (if any wants to accept me uuuu ; A ;) Let's get along! o7
Check out my kinda newly revamped
about page (not so new since Lace has probably already seen this), and add me on all the sites we have in common, alright? I'm not sure if you guys post journals on Dreamwidth instead (...Xiao?), but add me at my lurker!dw
uri if you do; I'll keep up with your posts over there too. 仝ω仝
The last two weeks were tumultuous! I had two clashing uni apps, and overestimated my ability to finish the set home tests RISD set: I thought I would spend three days on each drawing. Instead, I spent a week on the bicycle reference drawing, and had to rush the latter in two/three days, which needless to say, went without any sleep. 。゜(つω`)゜。
It was a nightmare! I also had to FedEx my works off to US instead of by usual mail! Not as keikaku. The results were indeed less than satisfactory, but here, I'll post them anyway because shame will make me work harder (ideally). orz
dollhouse, 2012
My first assignment, which was supposed to reference a bicycle in any way, turned into a case of bad animal abuse, ahaha. This is "Dollhouse", a statement about man's innate selfishness to manipulating everything around them to vehicle their needs and desires.
The composition is a little on the heavy side on the right and I tried to balance it with the face on the left near the end, but to no avail. (´;ω;`) The title was way too straightforward because I was drunk on about an hour of sleep while writing my artist's statement, but overall, my aim to push myself to hit details wasn't unsuccessful, so I'm giving myself a pat on the shoulder for that. and then a swift kick on my underside
But wait!! The worst has yet to come. There was a pool of questions for the second assignment, and I chose "visualising the invisible". I thought I was prepared because I had a clear concept in mind - and then, I went ahead and decided to work in acrylic. Tough luck, mate. This was what happened:
still air, 2012
The image is significantly smaller because I'm tons more embarrassed about how this turned out. This painting speaks mostly about innate expectation of presence of an entity, as opposed to acknowledgement of its presence by sight - the exact opposite of the sky, which visual presence we conveniently acknowledge anytime, yet presence not quite so. This is also a hallway at home which I experience my most vivid paranormal sightings at - so hey, I took the opportunity to study the frequently semi-open doors and tentativeness I experience when I stand in that position.
The painting is meant to be slightly illustrative so I played with colours, and hey it was fun and all. rofl the effects were less fun to acknowledge but it's okay mate, it's okay. /self consolation in progress
After possibly half a decade, I've also started reading books for leisure again! (says the Literature student, l-lol what blasphemy) That I have
yoursubtext and
dijeh to thank, for having engaging conversations about novels with me and reminding me how much I love the psychological genre and of course... subtext. I must admit, subtext is my guilty pleasure and I actively look for it. It also makes me insanely happy when suggested relationships or issues come to light and I had actually picked up on it. In fact, I like it a lot more than outright romance or friendship.
SO YES. If you know any books, with the above characteristics, feel free to link me up to them. In fact, please do! /no shame
Also, what happened to B1A4's comeback due start of February? I swear I heard that they had a new single (Korean? Japanese?) due and I was greatly anticipating it, but all news suddenly evaporated. ; A ;