I need to post here more often

May 05, 2008 19:58

Hey imaginary people who read my journal (and Ciara. :))

So life's been crap for me lately but hey lets look on the bright side... At least I've got lots of writing done!

I started March with my computer deleting my (barely started) novel. Now I am in seeing distance of the end! I hit a wordcount of 30,000 today (I know it's small but it still needs love and support so it can blossom into a great big grown up novel. :)) I foresee (for I am a soothsayer, though not turning into stone like those ones in Doctor Who the other week...) that it will be finished before it gets to 35,000 words. I'm hoping that this will be before next weekend because I really need to revise for my exams.

So yeah that's really what's going on in my life now. Except I went to a party last weekend but hey my wordcount is more important :).

You know I'd love to write a long, long journal entry like those other people write but hey, never going to happen.

I'll probably post again in another billion years. ;)

life, writing, memories of the forgotten

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