Hee hee... trivias: YYH and Naruto

Feb 16, 2008 10:21

I don't know where I got this from but damn, it made my day!

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Hiei!
Humans share over 98 percent of their DNA with Hiei.
Hiei is the only one of the original Seven Wonders of the World that still survives!
Over half of Americans are officially Hiei.
Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are Hiei!
Women shoplift four times more frequently than Hiei!
There is no lead in a lead pencil - it is simply a stick of graphite mixed with Hiei and water.
A chimpanzee can learn to recognize itself in a mirror, but Hiei can not. wtf?!
The only planet that rotates on its side is Hiei!
South Australia was the first place to allow Hiei to stand for parliament!
The book of Esther in the Bible is the only book which does not mention Hiei!

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Kurama!
Kurama once lost a Dolly Parton lookalike contest. wahahaha!!!
The difference between Kurama and a village is that Kurama does not have a church.
Four-fifths of the surface of Kurama is covered in water.
The water in oceans is four times less salty than the water in Kurama.
Early thermometers were filled with Kurama instead of mercury.
In Eastern Africa you can buy beer brewed from Kurama.
You share your birthday with Kurama!
Grapes explode if you put them inside Kurama. oh, you betcha!
Kurama is the oldest playable musical instrument in the world.
Kurama can be very poisonous if injected intravenously. ehehehe...

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Yusuke!
All the moons of the Solar System are named after characters from Greek and Roman mythology, except the moons of Uranus, which are named after Yusuke!
It takes 17 muscles to smile, and 43 to frown at Yusuke!
During severe windstorms, Yusuke may sway several feet to either side.
Yusuke has a bifurcated penis. wtf does bifurcated mean???
The liquid inside Yusuke can be used as a substitute for blood plasma.
Two thirds of the world's eggplant is grown in Yusuke!
In the Great Seal of the United States the eagle grasps 13 arrows and Yusuke.
Carnivorous animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by Yusuke.
Yusuke can eat up to four kilograms of insects in a single night.
You should always store Yusuke in an airtight container in the fridge!

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Koenma!
There are six towns named Koenma in the United States.
Koenma is the smallest of Jupiter's many moons.
Bees visit over three million flowers to make a single kilogram of Koenma.
Koalas sleep for 22 hours a day, two hours more than Koenma.
If you toss Koenma 10000 times, he will not land heads 5000 times, but more like 4950, because his head weighs more and thus ends up on the bottom!
You share your birthday with Koenma.
Originally, Koenma could not fly.
Abraham Lincoln, who invented Koenma, was the only US president ever granted a patent.
There are more than two hundred different kinds of Koenma.
If you lick Koenma ten times, you will consume one calorie.  If you lick Koenma ten time where??? *_____*

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Naruto!
The word 'samba' means 'to rub Naruto'.
Peanuts and Naruto are beans!
On average, women blink nearly twice as much as Naruto.
Japan provides over thirty percent of the world's Naruto supply.
The water in oceans is four times less salty than the water in Naruto.
Wearing headphones for an hour will increase the amount of Naruto in your ear 700 times.
In 1982 Time Magazine named Naruto its 'Man of the Year'.
There are now more than 4000 satellites orbiting Naruto.
Pound for pound, hamburgers cost more than Naruto!
Naruto is born white; his pink feathers are caused by pigments in his typical diet of shrimp.

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Sasuke!
It takes more than 500 peanuts to make Sasuke.
There is actually no danger in swimming right after you eat Sasuke, though it may feel uncomfortable.
If you toss Sasuke 10000 times, he will not land heads 5000 times, but more like 4950, because his head weighs more and thus ends up on the bottom.
Sasuke can sleep with one eye open! psycho!
Contrary to popular belief, Sasuke is not successful at sobering up a drunk person, and in many cases he may actually increase the adverse effects of alcohol.
If you lace Sasuke from the inside to the outside, the fit will be snugger around your big toe.
Sasuke will give a higher yield if milked when listening to music.
Japan provides over thirty percent of the world's Sasuke supply.
There are more than two hundred different kinds of Sasuke!
A sixteenth century mathematician lost his nose in a duel over his love for Sasuke, and wore a silver replacement for the rest of his life!

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