I've been laid up with a nasty virus since Saturday. :( It hit me like a ton of bricks Sat morning. I thought I was hungover because I did kinda overdo it on Friday night starting with Mexican martinis at Trudy's at
sistrmoon's farewell dinner...then a lot of wine with friends after I got home. I WISH I was just hungover though. It ended up being a really busy weekend with lots of family in town, my niece's 1st birthday, etc, so I just went through the motions. Then my illness got the best of me Sun and I slept almost all day after getting home from brunch. I've been going through the same hazy-zombie-like state since.
Today I decided to work. I'm bored to tears. I was too out of it to focus on reading a book, so I just watched a TON of movies. I might give some commentaries of each soon. Some good...some not so good. Anyway, I never thought I would say this...but I'm sick of watching movies. *gasp*
I was supposed to be in Newark/NYC this week and was really looking forward to meeting
walkingbytch. I had to cancel my trip obviously. I didn't mind cancelling my trip, but I just wished it was some other trip because I'm not sure when I'll be back in the NYC area again. :(
Two more trips left - Atlanta next week and San Francisco the following week. And THAT'S IT...for a while anyway. I'll be getting back into management fairly quickly so I'll have a few trips, but not nearly what I've traveled like in the past.