Yuletide 2019 Letter

Nov 03, 2019 20:30

Dear Yuletide Author,

Yay! So happy it's Yuletide time again this year and I apologize for the delay in my letter as this week has been crazy! I am not super picky and am probably going to enjoy whatever you write from gen to smut. I generally enjoy most tropes and cliches and am much more interested in character moments than complicated plots, but I do love casefic, particularly if it's creepy. The prompts I've listed below are only suggestions so if you have an amazing idea for a fic that would work well in one of these fandoms then definitely go for it!


Hurt/Comfort either physical or emotional
angst with happy endings
wilderness survival
awkward first times (and first times in general)
slow build romance/sex scenes
aliens/demons/whatever made them do it
close friendships


unhappy endings
established relationship
curtain fic
kid fic or anything involving babies
extreme dark fic
non-canon AUs

Aubrey-Maturin Series - Patrick O'Brian
Requested Characters - Jack Aubrey, Stephen Maturin

I adore this series of books! I have read up through The Yellow Admiral so I am fine with spoilers up until that point or even something based on just the film canon. The heart of the book for me is definitely Jack and Stephen's relationship so anything dealing with that is going to be a win. I love how they are kind of opposites, with Jack being completely useless on land and Stephen being kind of inept with sea-related things, and the humor that goes along with that. It can be either platonic friendship or slashy, I am good with either.

I love h/c, so something where one of them gets hurt or is threatened in some way and the other one freaks out would be amazing. I really like Sophie, so I'm fine with her being mentioned or included, but I'm not a big fan of Diana, purely because of all the crap she puts Stephen through. For me Jack and Stephen are basically married, so I'm good with either established relationship or first time for them.

天官赐福 - 墨香铜臭 | Tiān Guān Cì Fú - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Requested Characters - Xie Lian, Hua Cheng

I love this novel so much! I finally finished it thanks to Yummysuika's amazing translations so I am up to date. I would love a missing scene that takes place before the novel ends and involves some sort of H/C scenario or them being cute and oblivious together. Alternately, I really enjoyed the first book of the novel involving the corpse bride. Anything dark and creepy like that I enjoy so it would be fun to see some sort of case they have to work on after getting together. I also LOVE Shi Qingxuan so seeing him involved in any capacity would be amazing.

バチカン奇跡調査官 | Vatican Kiseki Chousakan | Vatican Miracle Examiner (Anime)
Requested Characters - Roberto Nicholas, Josef Hiraga Kou

This show really worked for me. Despite being super crack-filled, it has everything I love. Gay priests working together on cases, crying faces, and creepy ridiculous storylines. In all seriousness, Roberto and Hiraga are one of those practically married couples that I adore. I do feel like Roberto's feelings for Hiraga may not be completely pure (which he has some angst about), and Hiraga is pretty much completely oblivious to that fact. I'm always up for casefic about these two and would love one or the other of them getting hurt/sick/poisoned, etc. I'm fine with them acting on their feelings or with a fic that just focuses on their close friendship.

鬼滅の刃 | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime & Manga)
Requested Characters - Hashibira Inosuke, Kamado Tanjirou

I just recently got interested in Demon Slayer, so although I did finish the anime I haven't gotten very far in the manga yet. However, I'm totally fine with spoilers. I wasn't sure if I would like Inosuke at first but I ended up being totally sold on him after how quickly Tanjirou was able to get him under control. I feel like this is a pairing where I would enjoy some nice praise kink. I do feel like Inosuke is very starved for human interaction and particularly for someone who pays the kind of attention to him that Tanjirou does. I would love some h/c for them too or maybe some wilderness survival. Alternately, a fic of them just hanging out in the recovery cottage and getting closer would be fun. I enjoy Zenitsu too so feel free to include him.

yuletide 2019, yuletide letter

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