Yuletide 2017

Oct 08, 2017 18:56

Dear Yuletide Author,

It's Yuletide time! It seems like it comes around so fast every year. I enjoy anything from gen to smut as long as it focuses on the characters I requested. I generally enjoy most tropes and cliches and am much more interested in character moments than complicated plots, but I do love casefic, particularly if it's creepy. The prompts I've listed below are only suggestions so if you have an amazing idea for a fic that would work well in one of these fandoms then definitely go for it! (Sorry for the letter delay - I always fail at completing the letter on time!)


Hurt/Comfort either physical or emotional
angst with happy endings
wilderness survival
awkward first times (and first times in general)
slow build romance/sex scenes
aliens/demons/whatever made them do it
close friendships


unhappy endings
established relationship
curtain fic
kid fic or anything involving babies
extreme dark fic
non-canon AUs

Aubrey-Maturin Series - Patrick O'Brian
Requested Characters - Jack Aubrey, Stephen Maturin

I adore this series of books! I have read up through The Yellow Admiral so I am fine with spoilers up until that point or even something based on just the film canon. The heart of the book for me is definitely Jack and Stephen's relationship so anything dealing with that is going to be a win. I love how they are kind of opposites, with Jack being completely useless on land and Stephen being kind of inept with sea-related things, and the humor that goes along with that. It can be either platonic friendship or slashy, I am good with either.

I love h/c, so something where one of them gets hurt or is threatened in some way and the other one freaks out would be amazing. I really like Sophie, so I'm fine with her being mentioned or included, but I'm not a big fan of Diana, purely because of all the crap she puts Stephen through. For me Jack and Stephen are basically married, so I'm good with either established relationship or first time for them.

Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
Requested Characters - Sukeroku, Kikuhiko

I missed this show when it first came out somehow, but once I started watching it I was hooked. I am a huge fan of best friend type relationships, especially ones where the two characters in question are practically married like Sukeroku and Kikuhiko. I personally ship them quite a bit but would also be happy with gen fic that explores their relationship, or even something that takes place when they are younger. Alternately, something that takes place when they are living in the countryside with Konatsu would be cute. I do enjoy their relationship with Miyokichi as well and would enjoy seeing what happened if they had all ended up living together like Kikuhiko had hoped. I love historical genres and things that take place in different time periods so that is also part of the appeal for me as is the creepiness of the second season. And of course I am always up for anything involving hurt/comfort.

Samurai Flamenco

Requested Characters - Gotou Hidenori, Hazama Masayoshi

This show was was definitely right up my alley, with the superhero premise and the relationship between the main characters. I loved how they resolved it, with Masayoshi basically realizing his feelings for Gotou. I also loved the realization about Gotou and his phone at the end (trying to be vague because spoilers). That kind of angst is right up my alley and I would love to see a fic dealing with that issue in particular. I also enjoy casefic a great deal so something where they are working together on a case or trying to solve a mystery would be fun.


Requested Characters -Yang Jinghua|You Keika, Duanmu Xi|Tanmoku Ki

I got into this after the anime came out and I can't say that I'm complete up to date with the manga, but I have read quite a bit. I think something where Yang Jinghua/You Keika went temporarily evil might be fun with Duanmu Xi having to resolve the situation. Even better if Yang Jinghua hurt him during the evil state. And of course I'm always up for a fic where they deal with all their issues and end up getting together. I enjoy both the Japanese and Chinese versions of this, so feel free to use whichever names you prefer.

yuletide 2017, yuletide letter

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