Yuletide Letter

Oct 26, 2015 10:20

Dear Yuletide Author,

I'm so happy we matched! Don't worry, I am fairly easy to please. I enjoy anything from gen to smut as long as it focuses on the characters I requested. I generally enjoy most tropes and cliches and am much more interested in character moments than complicated plots, but I do love casefic, particuarly if it's creepy. The prompts I've listed below are only suggestions so if you have an amazing idea for a fic that would work well in one of these fandoms then definitely go for it!


Hurt/Comfort either physical or emotional (this is a big one!)
angst with happy endings
wilderness survival
awkward first times (and first times in general)
slow build romance/sex scenes
aliens/demons/whatever made them do it
close friendships


unhappy endings
established relationship
curtain fic
kid fic or anything involving babies
extreme dark fic
non-canon AUs

Aubrey-Maturin Series - Jack Aubrey, Stephen Maturin

I adore this series of books! I have read up through The Yellow Admiral so I am fine with spoilers up until that point or even something based on just the film canon. The heart of the book for me is definitely Jack and Stephen's relationship so anything dealing with that is going to be a win. I love how they are kind of opposites, with Jack being completely useless on land and Stephen being kind of inept with sea-related things, and the humor that goes along with that. It can be either platonic friendship or slashy, I am good with either. I love h/c, so something where one of them gets hurt or is threatened in some way and the other one freaks out would be amazing. I really like Sophie, so I'm fine with her being mentioned or included, but I'm not a big fan of Diana, purely because of all the crap she puts Stephen through. For me Jack and Stephen are basically married, so I'm good with either established relationship or first time for them.

Noragami - Yato, Yukine

Something that everyone should watch/read if they haven't gotten around to it! Noragami is a 14 volume manga/12 episode anime (second season is currently airing) about a middle school student who is hit by a car while trying to save someone who runs into the road. This person turns out to be a minor God called Yato and the girl, Hiyori, is transformed into a part phantom. Yato's weapon (shinki) ends up being a middle school boy called Yukine who died very young of unexplained reasons. Yato and Yukine have are bound together in an interesting way where every time he steals or does anything considered a sin Yato knows immediately and it physically hurts him. Eventually they all become close friends and it turns into a kind of found family situation.

I would love a fic that explores Yato and Yukine's relationship more. Maybe something about Yukine's past that suddenly comes up and causes angst. Or anything hurt/comforty where one of them gets hurt or Yukine is hurting Yato unintentionally. Gen or slash is fine (nothing too graphic for these two) and I'm totally fine with Hiyori being included too. I'm fairly up to date with the manga so don't worry about spoilers.

Ore Monogatari - Gouda Takeo, Sunakawa Makoto

Ore Monogatari is an adorable 9 volume manga/24 episode anime that deals with an extremely large and muscular high school student, Takeo Gouda, who doesn't have much luck with girls because they all seem to end up falling for his attractive best friend, Makoto Sunakawa. Until he meets Rinko Yamato who he saves from a molester on a train. Yamato falls for him instantly and they have a very sweet love story.

I adore Yamato and Takeo's relationship but I would also love to see more of his relationship with Suna. I enjoy how he is pretty much the only one who can make Suna laugh and how Suna seems to tag along on all of his dates with Yamato. I love OT3 stuff or slash, (as long as Yamato is okay with it) or just a gen fic that explores Suna and Takeo's relationship more closely. I am a huge sucker for h/c so something where one of them is sick or hurt would also make me very happy.

The Goblin Emperor - Maia Drazhar, Csevet Aisava

This is definitely my favorite new book of the year! Maia is absolutely adorable and I loved his interactions with pretty much everybody. That being said, I thought his interactions with Csevet were especially sweet and I would love a fic focused on their relationship. I would definitely enjoy something where Maia is sick/hurt and Csevet has to take care of him or is worried about him. Or maybe a missing scene showing how upset Csevet is after the assassination attempt. I love the Nohecharai as well and how much they care about Maia and would be happy to see them involved in some way.

Owari no Seraph - Mikaela Hyakuya, Yuuichirou Hyakuya

Despite having a fairly depressing premise I love how this show focuses on family and especially on the idea of found family. Yuu loses his first found family but despite all the pain he goes through he is able to care about others again, and how he and Mika never forget each other or their connection.

I love how Yuu and Mika still consider each other family even though so much time has passed since they were together and their absolute devotion to each other. I like the idea of them being stranded somewhere together or trying to survive in the wilderness and having to deal with Mika's need for blood and all the issues between them. I love all the other characters too so feel free to include anyone else you would like. I am fine with both slash and gen as long as it is focused on their relationship.

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell - Jonathan Strange, Gilbert Norrell

This is an amazing book and I love all the details and world-building. I also enjoyed the TV mini-series so I am happy with details from either. Mr. Norrell is my favorite character and I find him incredibly endearing. Anything focusing on his relationship with Strange would make me happy. Them having to learn how to deal with each other on a regular basis when they are trapped together in the eternal night could be very entertaining! Alternately something dealing with how they escape or the magical world.

yuletide 2015, yuletide letter, yuletide

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