
Oct 22, 2014 11:48

Dear Yuletide Author,

I'm so happy we matched! Don't worry, I am fairly easy to please. I enjoy anything from gen to smut as long as it focuses on the characters I requested. I generally enjoy most tropes and cliches and am much more interested in character moments than complicated plots, but I do love casefic, particuarly if it's creepy. The prompts I've listed below are only suggestions so if you have an amazing idea for a fic that would work well in one of these fandoms then definitely go for it!


Hurt/Comfort either physical or emotional (this is a big one!)
angst with happy endings
wilderness survival
awkward first times (and first times in general)
slow build romance/sex scenes
aliens/demons/whatever made them do it
close friendships


unhappy endings
established relationship
curtain fic
kid fic or anything involving babies
extreme dark fic
non-canon AUs

Aubrey-Maturin Series - Jack Aubrey, Stephen Maturin

I adore this series of books! I have read up through The Yellow Admiral so I am fine with spoilers up until that point or even something based on just the film canon. The heart of the book for me is definitely Jack and Stephen's relationship so anything dealing with that is going to be a win. I love how they are kind of opposites, with Jack being completely useless on land and Stephen being kind of inept with sea-related things, and the humor that goes along with that. It can be either platonic friendship or slashy, I am good with either. I love h/c, so something where one of them gets hurt or is threatened in some way and the other one freaks out would be amazing. I really like Sophie, so I'm fine with her being mentioned or included, but I'm not a big fan of Diana, purely because of all the crap she puts Stephen through. For me Jack and Stephen are basically married, so I'm good with either established relationship or first time for them.

Rush (2013) - Niki Lauda, James Hunt

I absolutely loved Lauda and Hunt's relationship in the film and how it changes over time from annoyance to tolerance to feelings deeper than either of them would care to admit. My very favorite scene in the film is when Hunt beat up the reporter who asked Lauda the question about his wife and suddenly you realize just how much Hunt actually cares. I don't think James quite realized the extent of his own feelings until Niki's accident either. I love h/c so anything with James visiting Niki in the hospital or that takes place after the accident would make me very happy, and I would be fine with that leading to a first time. Angsty, confused, antagonistic sex that takes place before they realize their feelings for each other would also be amazing! I think a mindbonding fic with them would work really well too!

DRAMAtical Murder - Seragaki Aoba, Koujaku

Okay, I haven't gotten around to playing this game yet, but I hope to very soon! I enjoyed the show a lot. I actually like Noiz, Clear, Ren, and Koujaku pretty much equally as far as pairings with Aoba so I'm fine with any of them being included. But it's totally fine if you just want to focus on Aoba and Koujaku since they're the ones I officially requested. I thought the flashback scenes with them were really cute and would love more of that and how their friendship developed. Anything leading to a first time would work for me too.

The Turn of the Story - Elliot Schafer, Luke Sunborn

Everyone should read this immediately! It's an amazing novella that's available free online: HERE! The sequel, Wings in the Morning is part of a fantasy anthology called Monstrous Affections and is a must read as well.

I finished The Turn of the Story all in one night and I absolutely loved it! I love all the characters, but I was definitely shipping Elliot and Luke from the beginning. I would love literally ANYTHING with them. Missing scenes, stuff with them as kids, a canon AU, or a continuation of what's going on after Wings in the Morning. I also think wilderness survival would be really fun with those two. I'm fine with Serene being included too because I adore her!

Noragami - Yato, Yukine

Something else that everyone should watch/read if they haven't gotten around to it! Noragami is an 11 volume manga/12 episode anime about a middle school student who is hit by a car while trying to save someone who runs into the road. This person turns out to be a minor God called Yato and the girl, Hiyori, is transformed into a part phantom. Yato's weapon (shinki) ends up being a middle school boy called Yukine who died very young of unexplained reasons. Yato and Yukine have are bound together in an interesting way where every time he steals or does anything considered a sin Yato knows immediately and it physically hurts him. Eventually they all become close friends and it turns into a kind of found family situation.

I would love a fic that explores Yato and Yukine's relationship more. Maybe something about Yukine's past that suddenly comes up and causes angst. Or anything hurt/comforty where one of them gets hurt or Yukine is hurting Yato unintentionally. Gen or slash is fine (nothing too graphic for these two) and I'm totally fine with Hiyori being included too. I'm fairly up to date with the manga so don't worry about spoilers.

yuletide letter, yuletide 2014, yuletide

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