New forays into JL (...I mean LJ) land

Apr 29, 2007 16:01

As Mary and Chris make documenting one’s life seem increasingly glamorous, I have no choice but to take up blogging again. I realize the serious commitment I am making in embarking on this blog quest (update more than once a month or face the wrath of disappointed commenters), but I resolve to the three or so people that will end up reading my blog that I will be steadfast and true.

A first blog entry must devote the majority of its storyline to creating a compelling account of the need for a chronicle of one’s life. I realize this is not *actually* my first entry, but I’m very committed to both the letter and spirit of unwritten rules. So here we go.

First of all, I have visions of the day I’ll be sitting down to write my Christmas letter in ten years and the only thing that will come out will be computer code and tautologies. I was actually reading the evaluation for one of my programs, and my professor complimented me on the “narrative structure” of my code. As much as I admire this professor, programs are not narratives and real, English sentences that are taut and beautiful fill me with strange pleasure.

Actually there are lots of things that fill me with strange pleasure. For example, the man riding a bicycle in a purple polyester suit I saw on my way to 717 the other day. This, conveniently, brings me to my second reason for needing a blog. At the time I saw purple suit man, I concocted all kinds of elaborate stories about where he could be going in such attire (and chuckled to myself when I realized that this suit was exactly how I envisioned the purple tuxedo that Lekan had fallen in love with weeks before). Yet, although this would be an extremely apt time to relate these stories for you, I have completely forgotten all of them. My long-term memory is deplorable. I want to someday be able to go back and look at all the peculiar thoughts I contemplated while I was young and collegiate.

Reason three. I am no longer sixteen, and thus, I no longer subscribe to any Avril Lavigne-esque illusions of my life being particularly “complicated.” My affection for the all lowercase letters fad is fading with reasonable alacrity and I’ve seriously cut down on my use of ellipses. I can write an entire blog entry without feeling compelled to balance the mention of each of my friends therein. (I think) I can manage to describe my life without gushing every few lines about the weather or my lovely boyfriend or clever friends or my recently decided-upon major. Don’t hold me to that, though.

This entry sounds like an application. And with semi-valid reason, since I’ve spent a reasonable portion of the winter and spring applying for things. Most recently, it was an application secure a spot in Storey next year, the academic-themed house centered around biology. I wrote an impassioned essay about why Symbolic Systems is actually an isomorphism of Human Biology. To quote myself, “It is this pursuit of a thorough and sincere understanding of human thought and cognitive processes that I have enjoyed over the past two years.” Much like Human Biology (I hope).

To conclude, expect extraneous details and bravada as there always has been. I would sign this entry, but that’s painfully letter-like and anti-technology. As a symbolic systems major, it is my duty to uphold everything modern and computer-centric.
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