Two posts in one week = whoa

Jun 09, 2006 18:22

In the time it took me to accumulate four pokes on facebook, I designed my first layout ever for livejournal. Even though making layouts means that I've descended into the realm of People Who Take Their Livejournals Too Seriously, you should check it out. It reminds me of a fusion of Paris and California. And my user icon is a fractal, because who doesn't like infinite, scale-free complexity?

You would think that this update would mean that I was done with school and thus had nothing better to do than sit around and write Jessica-centric prose. Au contraire, mon ami. I took six hours' worth of finals today. I think both of them, especially philosphy, went well, and now I am kind of exhausted. Actually I just ate like twenty tootsie rolls, so the exhaustion is wearing off a little bit. The rest of this weekend will be spent poring over an economics textbook cleverly titled "Economics." Hopefully I'll also get to spend some time with my favorite group of girls who can throw a high release backhand with flair. Our end of the year frisbee party promises to be filled with cupcakes, tears, and probably a slip and slide.

Although I say that flippantly, it will be hard to leave. On Wednesday we had our last dorm meeting, and I remembered what it was like at the beginning of the year when everyone used to show up. Foluke and I sat around ineffectually (as usual) as our staff rapped for us and somehow managed to rhyme "pandemonium" with "we're the freakin' meconium." I'm still impressed. Slides were shown, songs were sung, arms were linked as we swayed back and forth the way people do when they feel like they've bonded appropriately, summer storage was discussed. Our beautiful dorm yearbooks came out yesterday, which made everyone nostalgic for a good hour or two.

I laughed at everyone who cried when they left for winter/spring break. "I won't seeee you. For a week!" And then I missed them anyway. I feel like saying goodbye for the summer will be less funny.
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