Title: First Son (4/7) Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Patrick/Pete, Patrick/Jon, Spencer/Ryan, Ryan/Brendon, Gabe/William, Gerard & Mikey (no pairing) Word Count: 7,257
THIS! This is EXACTLY WHY I GOT MY ASS OUT OF BED AT 7:30 AM! (Just to see if maybe you updated while I was asleep...)
*goes to read*
(finished reading now)
OH MEH GEHD!. (apparently, I'm quite fond of caps lock this morning) JON YOU FUCKTARD!!!!!! *glares at Jon and hides Patrick from an angry Pete* These cliffhangers are going to be the death of me. For Cereal. Geeze. haha
Don't apologize for long chapters! We loooove long chapters. They make the world turn on the right axis. Yep. And Gerard with feathers on his ears? For some reason that one just got away with me and I laughed so hard I ended up squeaking.
So much. Soooo much I could cite as loving. I don't know where to start (even though I technically started with Gerard's feathers). Obviously, I adored the mean-spirited banter between our hero (Pete) and our villian (Jon). Sorry, while I looove the angst, my heart hurts for Patrick who is torn between hormones and emotions. I also feel bad for Pete because he had to be witness to Jon-Asshole-Drunken-Walker and his loose lips such as they are, tinged with too much alcohol. (I'm also feeling kind of poetic in a way today? heh).
This was totally worth getting out of bed for. I'm so inlove with the "Firsts" dance. Heh. Aw, this is also the night of Patrick's First Kisses with Two Guys. See, maybe if Patrick puts it that way to Pete, Pete won't freak out as much? Okay, so maybe not....but it's worth a shot. Ooh, and the way Pete was muttering about the different ways of killing Jon. WIN!
Why do you bring out the long comments in me? Why?!
*goes to read*
(finished reading now)
OH MEH GEHD!. (apparently, I'm quite fond of caps lock this morning) JON YOU FUCKTARD!!!!!! *glares at Jon and hides Patrick from an angry Pete* These cliffhangers are going to be the death of me. For Cereal. Geeze. haha
Don't apologize for long chapters! We loooove long chapters. They make the world turn on the right axis. Yep. And Gerard with feathers on his ears? For some reason that one just got away with me and I laughed so hard I ended up squeaking.
So much. Soooo much I could cite as loving. I don't know where to start (even though I technically started with Gerard's feathers). Obviously, I adored the mean-spirited banter between our hero (Pete) and our villian (Jon). Sorry, while I looove the angst, my heart hurts for Patrick who is torn between hormones and emotions. I also feel bad for Pete because he had to be witness to Jon-Asshole-Drunken-Walker and his loose lips such as they are, tinged with too much alcohol. (I'm also feeling kind of poetic in a way today? heh).
This was totally worth getting out of bed for. I'm so inlove with the "Firsts" dance. Heh. Aw, this is also the night of Patrick's First Kisses with Two Guys. See, maybe if Patrick puts it that way to Pete, Pete won't freak out as much? Okay, so maybe not....but it's worth a shot. Ooh, and the way Pete was muttering about the different ways of killing Jon. WIN!
Why do you bring out the long comments in me? Why?!
I think Gerard's channeling an owl in that part, not sure, haha :))
Oh dear.
I don't know if you'd like Patrick in next chapter.
Tried to make him realistic but..
You might not like him DDD:
I love your poetic comments. Please continue and never stop. ♥
Pete would most likely make Patrick kiss something else if he tried explaining it that way, haha :))
I ♥ you for your comments and won't post another chapter without them, I swear. :DDD
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