Being in Love with Ji Yeon

Aug 11, 2009 18:39

Title: Being in Love with Ji Yeon
Rating: PG
Pairing: Walt/Ji Yeon
Summary: Walt feels middle aged in light of Ji Yeon.
Disclaimer: Lost is property of ABC. I am in no way claiming ownership of any characters involved. I intend to receive no monetary benefit from this work and intend no copyright infringement.
Notes: For angeldylan628 at the Luau who requested families and the second generation.

Being in Love with Ji Yeon

Walt never thought that at thirty-two years of age he could feel as old and outdated and tame as he does. But then there's Ji Yeon. Who's all big eyes and sinewy legs, with a raw enthusiasm for simply existing with little regards to Good Neighborhoods and Nice Houses and Enough Money. Who's covered from head to toe in smooth, supple skin that's never seen wrinkles and in the dark sometimes appears to glow with the sheer vibrations of the blood pumping within her.

It feels wrong, when he stops and thinks about it, that this is somehow, inexplicably his.

what the fuck? aka this is my lost tag, walt/ji yeon, i write heterosexual things?, fic, stop. drabble time, for the sake of rare pairings, for the lostsquee luau 2009

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